Exodus 26:1-14

Matthew(i) 1 And thou shalt make an habitacion wt ten curtaynes of twyned bisse, Iacyncte, scarlet and purpul, & shalt make them wt cherubins of brodered worke. 2 The lengthe of a curtaine shalbe .xxviiij. cubites & the bredth .iiii. & they shalbe all of one measure: 3 fiue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another: and the other fyue lykewyse shalbe coupled together one to another. 4 Then shalt thou make loupes of Iacincte coloure, a longe by the edge of the one curtayne euen in the selueege of the couplynge courtayne. And lykewyse shalte thou make in the edge of the vtmost curtaine that is coupled therewyth on the other syde: 5 Fifty loupes shalte thou make in the one curtaine and fifty in the edge of the other that is coupled therwyth on the other syde: so that the loupes be one ouer agaynste another. 6 And thou shalte make fyfty buttons of gold, and couple the curtaines to gether with the buttons: that it may be an habytacyon. 7 And thou shalte make a .xi. curtaynes of gootes here, to be a tent to couer the habitacion. 8 The length of a curtayne shalbe .xxx. cubites, and the bredth .iiij. and they shalbe all .xi. of one measure. 9 And thou shalt couple .v. it wyth .iij. pillers, and .iij. sockets: & likewise by them selues, & the other syxe by them selues, and shalt double the sixt in the fore front of that tabernacle. 10 And thou shalte make fyfty loupes in the edge of the vttermost curtayne on the one side: euen in the couplynge courtayne and as many in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other side. 11 And thou shalt make fiftye buttones of brasse and put them on the loupes, & couple the tent together wyth al, that ther may be one couering. 12 And the remnaunt that resteth in the curtaynes of the tente: euen the bredeth of halfe a curtayne that resteth, shalbe lefte on the backe sydes of the habitacyon: 13 a cubyte on the one syde & a cubyte on the other syde, of that that remayneth in the length of the curtaynes of the tabernacle, whych shal remayne of ether side of the habitacion to couer it with al. 14 And thou shalte make another couerynge for the tente of rams skynnes dyed red: & yet another aboue al of taxus skynnes.