2 Chronicles 2

Matthew(i) 1 And Salomon determined to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde, and an house for hys kyngedome: 2 and tolde out thre skore and ten thousand men to beare burdens and foure skore thousande to hewe in the mountayne, and thre thousande and sixe hundred to ouer se them. 3 And Salomon sent to Hiram kynge of Tyre, saying: As thou diddest deale with Dauid my father, and dyddest sende hym Cedar woode, to buylde hym an house to dwell in, euen so deale wyth me now: 4 that I may builde an house for the name of the Lorde my God, to consecrate it to hym to burne swete odours & to set shewbread before hym perpetuallye, & for burntsacrifyce mornynge and euenyng, & on the Saboth dayes, and the fyrst daye of euery newe mone, and in the solempne feastes of the Lorde oure God, so to continue euer in Israel. 5 And the house which I buyld, is great: for great is oure God aboue all Goddes: 6 So that wo can be able to buylde hym an house: when that heauen, neyther heauen aboue all heauens is able to receyue hym, what am I then that I shulde buylde hym an house? nay, but to burne sacryfyce before hym: 7 sende me now therfore a connynge man to worcke in goulde, syluer, brasse, yron, scarlet, cremosyn & Iacincte coloure, & that can skylle to graue, to be wyth the connynge men that are wyth me in Iuda and Ierusalem, which Dauid my father dyd prepare. 8 And sende me also Cedar trees, fyrre trees, & Algume trees out of Lybanon. For I wote well thy seruauntes can skylle to hew timbre in Lybanon. And se, my men shalbe wyth thyne, 9 that they may prepare me tymbre ynough. For the house which I builde is great & wonderfull. 10 And beholde, I sente for thy seruauntes the cutters and hewers of tymbre .xx. thousande quarters of beaten whete, & .xx. thousande quarters of barleye, & .xx. thousande bathes of wyne, & .xx. thousand bathes of oyle. 11 And Hyram kynge of Tyre aunswered in wrytynge & sente to Salomon: because the Lord loueth hys people, therfore he hath made the kyng ouer them. 12 And Hiram sayde moreouer: blessed be the Lord God of Israel which hath made bothe heauen and earth, that he hath geuen Dauid the kynge a wyse sonne that hath discrecyon and vnderstandynge, to buylde an house for the Lorde, and auother for his kingdome. 13 And nowe I haue sente a wyse man & a man of vnderstandyng called Hyram Abi, 14 and is the sonne of a woman of the doughters of Dan (howe be it, hys father was a Tiryan) and he can skylle to worke in gould, syluer, brasse, yron, stone, tymbre, scarlet, Iacinct bysse & cremosyn: and graue all maner of grauynges, & to fynde oute all maner sotle worck that shalbe set before hym, wyth thy conning men, and with the conning men of my Lorde Dauid thy father. 15 And now the whete, barleye, oyle and wyne whiche my Lorde hath sayde: let hym sende hys seruauntes. 16 And we wyll cut wood oute of Lybane, as muche as thou shalte nede, and wyll brynge it to the in shippes by the sea to porte Iapo: & thence thou mayest carye them to Ierusalem. 17 And Salomon numbred all the straungers that were in the lande of Israel, after the tyme hys father Dauid had nombred them. And they were found an hundred, and .liij. thousande and syxe hundred. 18 And he set .lxx. thousande of them to beare burthens, and .lxxx. thousande to hewe in the mountayne, and thre thousand and syxe hundred to courage and to set the people a worck.