1 Chronicles 26

Matthew(i) 1 The deuysyon of the porters amonge the Corehites: Meselemiah the sonne of Koreh of the chyldren of Asaph. 2 And the sonnes of Mesemiah were these: Zachariah the eldest, Iadiel the seconde, Zabadiah the thyrde, Iathaniel the fourth, 3 Elam the fyfte, Iehohanan the syxte Elioenai the seuenthe. 4 And Obed Edom had sonnes: Semeiah the eldest, Iehosabad the second, Ioah the thyrd, Sacar the fourth, Nathanael the fyfte, 5 Amiel the sixte, Isacar the seuenth, and Polathai the .viij. for God had blessed hym. 6 And vnto Semeiah hys sonne were sonnes borne that ruled in the house of theyr father, for they were men of myghte. 7 The sonnes of Semeiah: Othni, Raphael, Obed and Elzabad & his brethren men of actyuite, Elihu and Samachiah. 8 All these were of the chyldren of Obed Edom, whiche with theyr brethren and theyr chyldren, actiue men & of strength to do seruice, were .lxij. of Obed Edom. 9 And Meseleniah had sonnes and brethren, actyue men, .xviij. 10 And Hosah of the chyldren of Merari, had sonnes: semri the chefe, yet he was not the eldest, but hys father made hym the chefeste. 11 Helkiah the seconde, Tabeliah the thyrde and Zachariah the fourth: so that all the sonnes & brethren of Hosah were .xiij. 12 Vnto these was deuyded the offyce of the portershepe as vnto heades ouer the men that wayted with theyr brethren, and mynistred in the house of the Lorde. 13 And they caste lottes, the smalle as well as the greate in the housholdes of theyr fathers, from gate to gate. 14 And the Eest lot fell to Selemiah. And for Zachariah hys sonne a wise counceler, they cast lottes, and hys lot came out towarde the North. 15 And Obed Edoms lot fell to the south. And to hys sonnes fell the councel houses. 16 And to Suphim and Hosah fell the weste with the gate Salecheth, where the waye ascendeth vpwarde, the one waye beynge faste by the other. 17 In the Eest kepte syxe Leuytes: in the North .iiij. a daye, & in the south .iiij. a daye, and in euerye councell house two, & in the watchhouses, 18 on the hye waye westwarde foure: two in a house. 19 These are the dyuysyons of the porters among the sonnes of Koreh & the sonnes of Merari. 20 And of the Leuites Ahiah had the ouersight of the treasure of the house of God, and of the treasure of the dedicate thynges. 21 As concernynge the sonnes of Laadan whiche were Gersonites. Laadan had auncyent fathers. Laadan the Gersonite had Iehieli. 22 The sonnes of Iehieli: Zethan & Ioel his brother, which were ouer the treasures of the house of the Lorde. 23 Amonge the Amramites, Izaharites, Hebronites & Ozielites, 24 was Subuel the sonne of Gerson the sonne of Moses a ruler ouer the treasure. 25 And of hys brethren the sonnes of Eliezer, was Rahabiah, whose sonne was Isaiah, & his sonne was Ioram, & hys sonne Zechri, and hys sonne was Selomith, 26 which Selomith and hys brethren were ouer all the treasures of the dedycate gyftes which Dauid the king, & the auncyent heades of the captaynes ouer thousandes & hundredes, and the capitaynes of the hoste had dedicated 27 of the spoyle wonne in battell, to mayntayne the house of the Lord: 28 & ouer al that Samuel the sear & Saule the sonne of Cis, and Abner the sonne of Ner, and Ioab the sonne of Zaruiah had dedicated. All that was dedicated, was vnder the hande of Selomith & of hys brethren. 29 Of the Izaharites Conaniah and hys sonnes were in businesses wythout forth made offycers and iudges ouer Israel. 30 And of the Hebronites Hasabiah & hys brethren men of actiuite a thousande & .vij. hundred were offycers in Israell on thys syde Iordan westwarde, in all busynesses of the Lorde and seruyce of the kynge. 31 And Iediah was the chefeste amonge the kynredes and fathers of the Hebronites. And in the fourtye yeare of the kyngedom of Dauid they were fought for. And there were founde of them men of actyuyte at Iezer in Galaad. 32 And hys brethren were in men of actiuite, two thousande & seuen hundred auncient heades, whiche Kynge Dauid made rulers ouer the Rubenites, Gaddites & the half tribe of Manasseh in all maters pertaynynge to God and busynesses of the kynge.