Job 20

MSTC(i) 1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said, 2 "For the same cause do my thoughts compel me to answer. And why? My mind is tossed here and there. 3 I have sufficiently heard thy checking and reproof; therefore am I purposed to make answer after mine understanding. 4 Knowest thou not this, namely: that from the beginning - ever since the creation of man upon earth - 5 the praise of the ungodly hath been short, and that the joy of the hypocrites continued but the twinkling of an eye? 6 Though he be magnified up to the heaven, so that his head reacheth into the clouds: 7 yet he perisheth at the last, like dung. Insomuch that they which have seen him, say, 'Where is he?' 8 He vanisheth as a dream, so that he can no more be found, and passeth away as a vision in the night. 9 So that the eye which saw him before, getteth now no sight of him, and his place knoweth him no more. 10 "His children shall be fain to agree with the poor, and his hands shall restore their goods. 11 From his youth his bones are full of vice; but now shall it lie down with him in the earth. 12 When wickedness was sweet in his mouth, he hid it under his tongue. 13 That he favoured, that would he not forsake; but kept it close in his throat. 14 The bread that he did eat is turned to the poison of serpents, within his body. 15 The riches that he devoured, shall he vomit out again; for God shall draw them out of his belly. 16 He shall suck the serpent's gall, and the adder's tongue shall slay him: 17 so that he shall no more see the rivers, and brooks of honey and butter. 18 But he shall labour, and yet have nothing to eat. Great travail shall he make for riches, but he shall not enjoy them. 19 And why? He hath oppressed the poor, and not helped them: houses hath he spoiled, and not builded them. 20 His belly could never be filled; therefore shall he perish in his covetousness. 21 He devoured so greedily that he left nothing behind; therefore his goods shall not prosper. 22 Though he had plenteousness of everything, yet was he poor, and therefore he is but a wretch on every side. 23 "For though the wicked have never so much to fill his belly, yet God shall send his wrath upon him, and cause his indignation to rain over him: 24 so that if he flee the iron weapons, he shall be shot with the steel bow. 25 The arrow shall be taken forth, and go out at his back; and a glistering sword through the gall of him. Fear shall come upon him. 26 There shall no darkness be able to hide him. An unkindled fire shall consume him; and look, what remaineth in his house, it shall be destroyed. 27 The heaven shall declare his wickedness, and the earth shall take part against him. 28 The substance that he hath in his house, shall be taken away and perish, in the day of the LORD's wrath. 29 This is the portion that the wicked shall have of God, and the heritage that he may look for of the LORD."