Romans 8:14-16

JMNT(i) 14 For as many as are being continuously led by God’s Spirit (or: habitually brought or conducted in [the] Breath-effect which is God; progressively driven along with an attitude from God), these folks are God’s sons (these continuously exist being sons of God; or: = these are folks who have the character and qualities of God). [comment: echo of the Exodus] 15 For you folks did (or: do) not receive again a spirit of slavery to fear (or: get slavery’s spirit or breath-effect again, unto fear; or: take an attitude which personifies being a slave [in Egypt or under the Law, leading] into fear again), but rather you received a spirit of being placed as a son (or: a Breath-effect which set you in the position of a son; or: you receive an attitude of one having been adopted [in accord with Greek or Roman law]), within which (or: in union with Whom) we are habitually crying out, “Abba (Dad), O Father!” 16 The same Spirit (or: spirit; or: The Breath-effect Himself; or: This very attitude) is constantly witnessing together with our spirit (is continuously bearing joint-testimony to our spirit; is habitually co-witnessing for our spirit; is progressively adding confirming testimony and evidence in our attitude) that we are, and continuously exist being, God’s children (ones born of God; children from God [not of the child-escort {Gal. 3:24}], by natural descent).