3 John 1:1-6

JMNT(i) 1 The old person, to Gaius, the beloved one, whom I myself am continuously loving in (or: within the midst of) truth and reality (or: truly loving). 2 O beloved one! I am continuously having (or: thinking and speaking) goodness, ease and well-being (or: wishing and professing loudly; claiming) concerning all things [for] you to be constantly having a prosperous journey (or: to progressively travel a good path; to habitually be prospered unto success; to be continuously helped along the Way) and to be constantly sound and healthy [in mind, thought and body] just as (or: to the same degree as) your soul (inner being; or: = your life) is progressively being prospered on its journey (helped along the Way; prospered unto success; caused to travel the Good Path). 3 You see, I was made exceedingly glad (or: I am caused to greatly rejoice) at the coming of the brothers (= fellow believers or members), from time to time, and their bearing witness of your [being] in the Truth, according as you yourself are continually walking about within Truth (or: testifying to the reality concerning you in correspondence to the fact that you yourself are habitually living your life in union with truth and reality). 4 I do not presently have greater joy than from these things: that I am repeatedly hearing that my own children (born-ones) are continuously walking about within the Truth (= living their lives in union with reality). 5 O beloved one! You are continually doing (performing; constructing; forming; producing) a faithful and loyal thing (act of loyalty and allegiance), whatsoever you yourself may work unto (or: actively accomplish into the midst of) the brothers (= fellow believers and members of the family) and unto (or: into) the strangers (or: foreigners) – 6 who bear witness of you for the love (or: testified to your love) before (in the sight of; in the presence of) [the] called-out community – [for] whom you will do (or: perform; produce) beautifully (finely; ideally), sending [them] forward (or: escorting them on; = attending to their needs in their travels, giving them supplies and finances) in a manner worthy of God (or: = in a way equal to God's value of them),