Psalms 49:6-20

Great(i) 6 There be some that put theyr in trust their goodes, & boast them selues in the multitude of theyr ryches. 7 But no man maye delyuer hys brother, ner make agrement vnto God for hym. 8 For it costeth more to redeme theyr soules, so that he must let that alone for euer. 9 Yee, though he lyue longe, and se nat the graue. 10 For he seeth, that wyse men also dye, and peryshe together, as well as the ignoraunt & folysh, and leaue theyr ryches for other: 11 And yet they thynke, that theyr houses shall continue for euer, and that theyr dwelling places shall endure from one generacyon to another, & call the landes after theyr awne names. 12 Neuerthelesse, man wyll not abyde in honour, seyng he maye be compared vnto the beastes that peryshe: this is the waye of them. 13 Thys is their folyshnesse, and their posterite prayse their sayeng. Sela. 14 They lye in the hell lyke shepe, death gnaweth vpon them, and the ryghteous shall haue dominacyon of them in the mornynge: theyr bewtye shall consume in the sepulchre out of theyr dwellynge. 15 But God shall delyuer my soule from the place of hell, for he shall receaue me. Sela. 16 Be not thou afrayed though one be made ryche, or yf the glory of hys house be increased. 17 For he shall cary nothyng awaye with hym when he dyeth, nether shall hys pompe folowe hym: 18 For whyle he lyued, he counted hymselfe an happye man: and so longe as thou doest well vnto thy selfe, men wyll speake good of the. 19 He shall folowe the generacyons of hys fathers, and shall neuer se lyght. 20 Man beynge in honoure hath no vnderstandyng, but is compared vnto the beastes, that peryshe.