Psalms 41

Great(i) 1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. Blessed is he that consydreth the poore the Lorde shall delyuer hym in the tyme of trouble. 2 The Lorde preserue hym, & kepe him aliue: that he maye be blessed vpon earth, & delyuer not thou hym in to the wyll of hys enemyes. 3 The Lord comforte hym, when he lyeth syck vpon hys bedd: make thou all his bedd in his sicknesse. 4 I sayde: Lord be mercyfull vnto me, heale my soule, for I haue synned agaynst the. 5 Myne enemyes speake euell of me: when shall he dye, & hys name perish? 6 And yf he come to se me, he speaketh vanite, & his hart conceaueth falshode within him selfe: & whan he commeth forth, he telleth it. 7 All myne enemyes whisper together agaynst me: euen agaynst me do they ymagin this euell. 8 Let the sentence of giltynesse proceade agaynst him: & now that he lyeth, let him ryse vp nomore. 9 Yee, euen mine awne familier frend whom I trusted (whych dyd also eate of my bred) hath layed greate wayte for me. 10 But be thou mercyfull vnto me (O Lord) rayse thou me vp agayne, and I shall rewarde them. 11 By this I know thou fauourest me, that my enemye doth not triumphe agaynst me. 12 And whan I am in my health, thou vpholdest me, and shalt set me before thy face for euer. 13 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel, worlde wythout ende, Amen, and Amen.