Psalms 129

Great(i) 1 A songe of the stayres. Many a tyme haue they fought agaynst me fro my youth vp (maye Israel nowe saye.) 2 Yee, many a tyme haue they vexed me fro my youth vp, but they haue not preuayled agaynst me. 3 The plowers plowed vpon my backe, & made longe forowes. 4 But the ryghteous Lorde hath hewen the snares of the vngodly in peces. 5 Let them be confounded and turned backwarde, as many as haue euyll wyll at Sion. 6 Let them be euen as the grasse growynge vpon the house toppes, whych wythereth afore it be pluckte vp. 7 Wherof the mower fylleth not hys hande, nether he that byndeth vp the sheaues, hys bosome. 8 So that they whych go by, saye not so moche: as the Lorde prospere you, we wysh you good lucke in the name of the Lorde.