Numbers 35:2-8

Great(i) 2 commaunde the chyldren of Israel, that they geue vnto the Leuites of the enheritaunce of theyr possession, cyties to dwell in. And ye shall geue also vnto the cyties of the Leuites, suburbes hard by theyr cityes rounde about them. 3 The cyties shall they haue to dwell in, and the suburbes for theyr catell, and for theyr possession and all maner of beastes of theyrs. 4 And the suburbes of the cyties which ye shall geue vnto the Leuites, shall reache from the wall of the cytie outwarde, a thousande cubytes rounde about. 5 And ye shall measure without the cytie of the eastsyde, two thousande cubytes. And of the southsyde, two thousande cubytes. And of the westsyde, two thousande cubytes. And of the northsyde, two thousaude cubites also: and the cytie shalbe in the myddes. And these shalbe the suburbes of theyr cyties. 6 And from amonge the cyties whyche ye shall geue vnto the Leuytes, there shall be syxe cyties for refuge, which ye shall appointe to that intent, that he which kylleth, maye flye thyther. And to them ye shal adde .xlii. cyties mo: 7 so that all the cyties whyche ye shall geue the Leuites, maye be .xlviii. with theyr suburbes. 8 And these cities which ye shall geue, shall be out of the possession of the chyldren of Israel. They that haue many, shall geue many. But of them that haue fewe, ye shall take fewe. Euery one shall geue of hys cities vnto the Leuites, accordynge to the enheritaunce which he enheriteth.