Luke 4:16-19

Great(i) 16 And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed and (as hys custome was) he went into the synagoge on the Saboth daye, and stode vp for to reade. 17 And there was delyuered vnto hym the boke of the prophete Esayas. And when he had opened the boke, he founde the place, where it was wryten. 18 The sprete of the Lord vpon me, because he hath annoynted me: to preache the Gospell to the pore he hath sent me: to heale the broken harted, to preach delyueraunce to the captyue, & syght to the blynde: frely to set at liberte them that are brosed, 19 and to preach the acceptable yeare of the Lorde.