Luke 20:9-18

Great(i) 9 Then beganne he to put forth to the people thys parable: A certayne man planted a vyneyarde, and let it forth to husband men, and went hym selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season. 10 And when the tyme was come, he sent a seruaunt to the husband men, that they shulde geue hym of the frute of the vineyarde. And they bet hym, and sent hym, awaye emptye. 11 And agayne, he sent yet another seruaunt. And hym they dyd beat, and entreated hym shamefully, and sent hym awaye emptye. 12 Agayne, he sent the thyrde also, and hym they wounded, and cast hym out. 13 Then sayd the Lord of the vineyarde: what shall I do? I wyll sende my deare sonne: peraduenture they will stande in awe of him, when they se hym. 14 But when the husbandmen sawe hym, they thought within them selues, sayinge: this is the heyre, come, let vs kyll hym, that the enheritaunce maye be oures. 15 And they cast him out of the vineyarde, & kylled him. What shall the Lord of the vineiarde therfore do vnto them? 16 He shall come, & destroye these husbandmen, & shall let out hys vineyarde to other. When they hearde thys, they sayde: God forbyd. 17 And he behelde them, and sayde: what is thys then that is wrytten: the stone that the buylders refused, the same is become the heed of the corner? 18 Whosoeuer doth stomble vpon the stone, shalbe broken: but on whosoeuer it falleth, it wyll grynde him to powder.