Leviticus 26:1-13

Great(i) 1 Ye shall make you no ydolles nor grauen ymage, nether reare you vp any stone, nether shall ye sett vp any ymage of stone in your land to worshippe it: for I am the Lord youre God: 2 ye shall kepe my Sabbothes, & feare my sanctuary: for I am the Lorde. 3 If ye walke in myne ordinaunces and kepe my commaundementes, and do them, 4 I wyll sende you rayne in the ryght ceason and the lande shall yelde her encrease, and the trees of the felde shall geue theyr frute. 5 And the thresshynge shall reach vnto wyne haruest, and the wyneharuest shall reach vnto sowynge tyme, and ye shall eate your bread in plenteousnes, and dwell in youre lande peasably. 6 And I wyll sende peace in the lande, & ye shall slepe without any man to make you a frayde. And I wyll rydd euell beastes out of the lande, and there shall no swerde goo thorow out youre lande. 7 And ye shall chase youre enemyes, and they shall fall before you vpon the swerde. 8 And fyue of you shall chace an hundred, & an hundred of you shall put ten thousande to flyghte, and youre enemyes shall fall before you vpon the swerde. 9 For I will haue respect vnto you, and make you encrease and multiplye you, and sett vp my couenaunt with you. 10 And ye shall eate olde stoare, and carye out olde for the newe. 11 And I wyll make my dwellynge place amonge you, & my soule shall not lothe you. 12 I wyll walke amonge you, and wylbe youre God, and ye shalbe my people. 13 I am the Lorde youre God, whyche broughte you out of the lande of Egypte, that ye shulde not be theyr bondemen, and I haue broken the cheynes of your yoke, and made you go vp ryghte.