Lamentations 2:15-17

Great(i) 15 All they that go by the, clappe their handes at the: hissynge and wagginge their heades vpon the daughter Ierusalem, and saye: is this the cyte that men call so fayre: wherin the whole lande reioyseth? 16 All thyne enemies gape vpon the: whysperinge and bytinge their teth, saying: let vs deuoure, for the tyme that we loked for, is come: we haue founde and sene it. 17 The Lorde hath fulfylled the thinge, that he was purposed to do: and perfourmed that he had deuised longe a go: he hath destroyed, and not spared. He hath caused thine aduersarye triumphe ouer the, and set vp the horne of thyne enemie.