Job 3

Great(i) 1 After this opened iob his mouth and cursed hys daye. 2 And Iob answered, and sayde: 3 lost be that daye, wherin I was borne, and the nyght, in the which it was sayde: there is a man chylde conceaued. 4 The same daye be turned to darckenes, and not regarded of God from aboue, nether lett hym shyne vpon it with lyght, 5 but let it be stayned with darcknesse, and the shadowe of death. Let the dymme cloude fall vpon it, and lett it be lapped in with sorowe on the daye tyme. 6 Let the darcke storme ouercome that nyght, and lett it not be ioyned vnto the dayes of the yeare, ner counted in the monethes. 7 Desolate be that night, and without gladnesse, lett them that curse the daye, 8 and that be ready to rayse vp mournyng, geue it also their curse. 9 Let the starres of that night be dymme thorow darcknesse of it. Let it loke for lyght, but lett it se none, nether the rysynge vp of the fayre mornynge: 10 because it shut not vp the wombe that bare me. For then shulde these sorowes haue bene hyd from myne eyes. 11 Alas, why dyed I not in the byrth? Why dyd not I perysh, as sone as I came oute of my mothers wombe? 12 Why set they me vpon their knees? Why gaue they me suck with theyr brestes? 13 Then shulde I now haue lyen styll, I shulde haue slepte, and bene at reste, 14 lyke as the kynges and lordes of the earthe, which haue buylded them selues special places. 15 Or as the prynces that haue had greate substaunce of golde, and theyr houses full of syluer. 16 Or why was I not hyd, as a thynge borne out of tyme, ether as yonge chyldren, which neuer sawe the light? 17 There must the wycked ceasse from theyr tyrannye, and ther soch as are ouerlaboured be at rest: 18 ther are those lett out fre, which haue bene in preson, so that they heare nomore the voyce of the oppressoure. 19 There are small & great, and the seruaunt is fre from hys master. 20 Wherfore is the lyght geuen to hym that is in mysery? and lyfe vnto them, that haue heuy hertes? 21 Whych longe for death (and though it come not) wolde dygg it oute of hyd places 22 which also wolde be excedyng glad and reioyce, yf they coulde fynde theyr graue any where. 23 That shuld be ioye to that man whose waye is hyd, and God kepeth it backe from him. 24 For my syghes come before I eate, and my roaringes fall out like the water. 25 For the thynge that I feared, is come vpon me: and the thynge that I was afrayed of, is happened vnto me. 26 Was I not happy? Had I not quyetnesse? Was I not in rest? And now commeth soch mysery vpon me