Jeremiah 5:15-17

Great(i) 15 Lo, I wyll bryng a people vpon you from farre, O house of Israel (sayeth the Lorde) a myghty people, an old people, a people whose speach thou knowest not, neyther vnderstandest what they saye. 16 Theyr arowes are sodayne death: yea, they them selues be verye gyauntes. 17 This people shal eate vp thy frute & thy meate, yea, they shall deuoure thy sonnes & thy doughters, thy shepe & thy bulockes. They shall eate vp thy grapes, & fygges. As for thy strong & wel defensed cyties, wherin thou dyddest trust, they shall brynge to pouertie, and that thorowe the swerde.