Isaiah 44:15-17

Great(i) 15 which wodd serueth for men to burne. Of this he taketh and warmeth hym selfe withall: he maketh afyre of it to bake breade. And afterwarde maketh a God there of, to honoure it: & an Idole to knele before it. 16 One pece he burneth in the fyre, with another he rosteth flesh, that he maye eate roste his bely full: with the thryde he warmeth him self, and sayeth: Aha, I am well warmed, I haue bene at the fyre. 17 And of the residue he maketh him a God, & an Idole for him selfe. He kneleth before it, he worshippeth it, he prayeth vnto it, & sayeth: delyuer me, for thou art my God.