Hosea 3

Great(i) 1 Then sayde the Lorde to me: Go yet thy waye & wowe an aduouterous woman, whom thy neyghboure loueth, as the Lorde doth the chyldren of Israel: how be it they haue respecte to straunge goddes, & loue the wyne kannes. 2 So I gat her for .xv. syluerlynges, and for an Homer & an halfe of barlye, 3 & sayde vnto her: Thou shalt byde with me a longe season, but se that thou playest not the harlot, & loke thou medle wt none other man, & then will I kepe my selfe for the. 4 Thus the chyldren of Israel shall syt a great while without kynge and prince, without offering and aulter, without preste & reuelacyon. 5 But afterwarde shall the chyldren of Israel conuerte, and seke the Lorde theyr God, and Dauid theyr kynge: & in the latter dayes they shall worshyppe the Lorde, & hys louynge kyndnesse.