Ezekiel 36:4-6

Great(i) 4 Therfore, heare the worde of the Lord God, O ye mountaynes of Israell. Thus sayeth the Lord God vnto the mountaynes and hilles, valleys and dales, to the voyde wyldernesse and desolate cityes, which are spoyled, & had in derision on euery syde, amonge the residue of the Heathen. 5 Yee, euen thus sayeth the Lord God. In the fyre of my gelousy haue I taken a deuyce, agaynst the residue of the Gentiles, & agaynst all Edom: which haue taken in my lande vnto them selues for a possession: which also reioysed from their whole hert with a despitefull stomacke, to waste it, and to spoyle it. 6 Prophecy therfore vpon the lande of Israell, speake vnto the mountaynes & hilles to valleys and dales, thus sayeth the Lord God. Behold, this haue I deuised in my gelousy & terrible wrath. For so moche as ye haue suffred reprofe of the Heathen,