Exodus 35

Great(i) 1 And Moses gathered all the company of the children of Israel together, and sayd vnto them: these are the wordes which the Lord hath commaunded that ye shulde do them: 2 Sixe dayes ye shall worke: but the seuenth daye shalbe vnto you the holye Sabbath of the Lordes reste: whosoeuer doth any worke therin, shall die. 3 Ye shall kyndle no fier thorowout all youre habitacions vpon the Sabbath daye. 4 And Moses spake vnto all the multitude of the children of Israel saying: this is the thing which the Lorde commaunded, saying: 5 Take from among you an heue offering vnto the Lorde. Whosoeuer is of a willing hert, let him bryng it for the heue offerynge of the Lorde. Namely gold, syluer and brasse, 6 and yelowsilk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylke, goates heerre, 7 and rams skynnes red and taxus skinnes with sethim wod: 8 oyle for light and spices for the anoynting oyle, & for the swete cense. 9 And Onix stones and stones to be set in the Ephod and in the brestlappe. 10 And let all them that are wyse harted among you, come and make all that the Lord hath commaunded: 11 the habitacyon with the tent therof and his coueryng, & hys rynges, and his bordes, his barres, his pyllers, and his sockettes: 12 the arck and the staues therof, with the mercy seate and the vayle that couereth it: 13 the table and his barres and all his vessels: and the shewebred: 14 the candelstick of lyght and his apparell and his lampes with the oyle for the light: 15 the cens aultar and his barres: the anoynting oyle & the swete cens: and the hangyng of the dore at the entryng in of the tabernacle: 16 the aultar of burnt sacrifyce with his brasen grediren, his staues, and all his vessels: the lauer and hys fote: 17 and the hangynges of the court with his pyllers and their sockettes, and the hangyng in the dore of the court: 18 the pynnes of the habitacion and the pynnes of the court wt their coardes: 19 the minystring garmentes to minystre in the holy place: and the holy vestimentes for Aaron the preast, and the vestimentes of his sonnes, that they maye minystre him. 20 And all the companye of the chyldren of Israel departed from the presence of Moses. 21 And euery one came (as many as theyr hertes coraged them, & as many as their spretes made them wylling) & brought a present for the Lord, to the making of the tabernacle of witnes, and for all his vses, and for the holy vestimentes. 22 And they came both men & wemen (euen as many as were willing harted) and brought bracelettes, and earinges, ringes and chaynes, which iewels were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lord. 23 And euery man, with whom was founde yelow sylk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylk, and goates hearre and redd skynnes of rams & taxus skynnes, brought them. 24 All that dyd heue vp an oblacyon of golde and brasse, and brought an heue offering vnto the Lorde. And all men with whom was found sethim wod for any maner worke of the ministracyon, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wyse herted dyd spynne with theyr handes, and brought the sponne worke both of yelow sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte sylk. 26 And all the wemen whom their awne hert moued, span goates hearre wisely. 27 And the Lorde brought onix stones, & stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brestlappe, 28 and spyce and oyle for lyght and for the anoynting oyle and for the swete cens. 29 And the children of Israel brought a willyng offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men and wemen: as many as had willing hertes to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to be made, by the handes of Moses. 30 And Moses sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: beholde, the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Uri the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 & hath fylled hym with the sprete of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke, 32 to fynde out curious workes which are made in golde, syluer and brasse. 33 In the crafte of stones to set them: and in caruynge of wodd to make any maner of sotle worke. 34 And he hath put in his harte that he may teache: both he and Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan. 35 Them hath he fylled with wysdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen, and sotle, and nedle worke in yelowe sylke, and purple, in scarlet, and whyte sylke, and in weuynge. And to do all maner of worke and sotle feates.