Daniel 9:20-23

Great(i) 20 As I was yet speakynge at my prayers, knowledgynge myne awne synnes, and the synnes of my people, makynge so myne intercessyon before the Lorde my God, for the holy hylles sake of my God: 21 yee, whyle I was yet speakynge in my prayer, beholde, the man Gabriel. (whom I had sene afore in the visyon) came flyinge to me, and touched me aboute the offering tyme in the euenynge. 22 He infourmed me, & spake vnto me: O Daniel sayde he, I am nowe come to make the vnderstande it. 23 For as soone as thou begannest to make thy prayer, it was so diuised, & therfore am I come to shewe the. And why? For thou art a man greatly beloued. Wherfore, pondre the matter well, that thou mayest learne, to vnderstande the visyon.