Daniel 3:8-18

Great(i) 8 Now were there certayne men of the Caldees, that wente euen then and accused the Iewes, 9 and sayde vnto the kynge Nabuchodonosor: O kyng, God saue thy lyfe for euer, 10 Thou beynge kynge hast geuen a commaundement, that all men when they heare the noyse of the trompettes, harpes, shawmes, psalteries, symphonies and all the other melodies: shall fall downe and bowe them selues towarde the golden Image: 11 whoso then fell not downe & worshypped not that, he shulde be cast into an hote burnynge ouen. 12 Nowe are there certayne Iewes, whom thou hast set ouer the offyces of the lande of Babylon: namely, Sydrach: Mysach and Abednago. These men (O kyng) regarde not thy commaundment, yee, they wyll not serue thy goddes, ner bowe them selues to the golden Image, that thou hast set vp. 13 Then Nabuchodonosor in a cruell wrath and displeasure, commaunded, that Sidrach Misach and Abednago shulde be brought vnto hym. So these men were brought before the kynge. 14 Then Nabuchodonosor spake vnto them, & sayde: what? O Sidrach Misach and Abednago, wyll not ye serue my goddes? nor bowe youre selues to the golden Image, that I haue set vp. 15 Well, be redy herafter, when ye heare the noyse of the trompettes blowe with the harpes, shawmes, psalteries, symphonyes and all the other melodyes: that ye fall downe, and worshyppe the Image which I haue made. But yf ye worshyppe it not, ye shall be cast immediatly into an hote burnyng ouen. Let se, what God is there, that maye delyuer you oute of my handes? 16 Sydrach, Misach and Abednago answered the kynge, & sayde: O Nabuchodonosor, we ought not to consente vnto the in this matter, for why? 17 oure God whom we serue, is able to kepe vs from the hote burnyng ouen (O kynge) and can ryght well delyuer vs out of thy handes. 18 And though he wyll not, yet shalt thou knowe (O kyng) that we will not serue thy goddes, ner do reuerence to the Image, which thou hast set vp.