2 Timothy 3

Great(i) 1 Thys knowe, that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes. 2 For men shalbe louers of theyr awne selues, coueteous, boasters, proude, cursed speakers, dysobedient to fathers and mothers, vnthankfull, vngodly, 3 vnkynde, trucebreakers, falseaccusars, riatours, fearce, despisers of them which are good, 4 traytours, heady, hye mynded, gredy vpon volupteousnes more then the louers of God, 5 hauynge a symilitude of godlynesse, but haue denyed the power therof: and soch abhorre. 6 For of thys sorte are they, which entre into houses, and bringe into bondage wemen laden wt synne, which wemen are led with diuers lustes, 7 euer learnynge, and neuer able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth. 8 As Iannes & Iambres withstode Moses, euen so do these also resyst the trueth: men they are of corrupt myndes, and lewde as concerninge the fayth: 9 but they shall preuayle no lenger. For their madnes shalbe vttered vnto all men euen as theirs was. 10 But thou hast sene the experience of my doctryne, fassyon of lyuinge, purpose, fayth, longe sufferynge, loue, pacience, 11 persecucyons, and affliccyons whych happened vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, and at Lystra: which persecutions I suffered paciently. And from them all, the Lorde delyuered me. 12 Yee, and all they that wyll lyue godly in Christ Iesu shall suffre persecutyon. 13 But the euyll men & disceauers shall wexe worsse and worsse, whill they deceaue and are deceaued them selues. 14 But continue thou in the thynges which thou hast learned, which also were commytted vnto the, knowinge of whom thou hast learned them, 15 and for as moch also as of a chylde thou hast knowen the holy scriptures which are able to make the lerned vnto saluacyon thorow the fayth which is in Christ Iesu. 16 All scripture geuen by inspiracyon of God, is proffitable to teache, to improue, to amende and to instruct in ryghtewesnes, 17 that the man of God maye be perfecte & prepared vnto all good workes.