2 Chronicles 1:7-12

Great(i) 7 And that same nyght dyd God appeare vnto Salomon, and sayde vnto hym: aske, what I shall geue the. 8 And Salomon sayde vnto God: thou hast shewed great mercye vnto Dauid my father, and hast made me to raygne in his steade. 9 Nowe therfore O Lorde God, let thy promyse which thou madest vnto Dauid my father, be true. For thou hast made me kynge ouer a people: which is lyke the dust of the earth in multitude. 10 Wherfore, geue me nowe wysdome & knowledge, that I maye be able to go out and in before this people: for who els can iudge this people that is so great? 11 And God sayde to Salomon, because this was in thyne hert, and because thou hast not asked treasure, and rychesse, & honoure, and the lyues of thyne enemyes, nether yet longe lyfe: but hast asked wysdome and knowledge for thy selfe, to iudge my people, ouer which I haue made the kyng 12 wysdome and knowledge is graunted vnto the, and I will geue the treasure, and rychesse, and glorye: so that amonge the kynges that haue bene before the or after the, none was or shalbe lyke the.