1 Samuel 19:11-17

Great(i) 11 Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to sleye him in the mornynge. And Michol Dauids wyfe tolde it him, sayinge: If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou wilt be slayne. 12 And so Michol lett Dauid downe thorowe a wyndowe, and he went, & fled, and was saued. 13 And then she toke an Image and layed it in the bed, and put a pyllowe stuffed with goates hearre vnder the heed of it, and couered it with a clothe. 14 And when Saul sent messengers to fetche Dauid, she sayde, he is sycke. 15 And Saul sent the messengers agayne to se Dauid, sayinge: bringe him to me, bed & all, that I maye slaye him. 16 And when the messengers were come in: Beholde, there laye an ymage in the bed, with a pyllowe of goates heare vnder the heed of it. 17 And Saul sayde vnto Michol: why hast thou mocked me so, and sent awaye myne enemy that he is escaped? Michol answered Saul. For he sayde vnto me, let me go, or elles I wyll kyll the.