1 Kings 2:2-4

Great(i) 2 I go the waye of all the worlde, be thou stronge therfore, and shewe thy selfe a man. 3 Kepe thou the watch of the Lorde thy God, that thou walke in hys wayes, and kepe his statutes, and his preceptes, hys iudgementes, and hys testimonyes, euen as it is wrytten in the lawe of Moses: that thou mayest prospere in all that thou doest, and in euery thynge that thou medlest withall. 4 That the Lorde also maye make good hys worde which he spake vnto me, sayinge: yf thy chyldren take heade to theyr waye, that they walke before me in truethe, with all their hertes, and with all their soules, then shalt thou not be without a man on the seat of Israell.