1 Kings 21:10-13

Great(i) 10 and set two vnthriftes before him, to beare witnesse agaynst him, sayenge: thou dydest blaspheme God and the kyng. And then carye hym out, and stone hym to deeth. 11 And the men of his cyte: that is to saye, which dwelt in his cytie, did as Iezabel had sent vnto them, and as it was written in the letter whych she had sent vnto them. 12 They proclamed fastyng, and set Naboth among the chefe of the people, 13 & there came in two men (the children of Belial) and sate before him. And the two vnthriftie persones wytnessed agaynst Naboth, in the presence of the people, sayeng: Naboth dyd blaspheme God and the kyng, And they caried hym out of the cytie, and stoned hym wyth stones that he dyed.