1 Chronicles 13

Great(i) 1 And Dauid counceled with the capitaynes of thousandes and hundredes, & with all the Lordes, 2 and sayd vnto all the congregacyon of Israel: If it seme you good, and to be of the Lorde oure God, we wyll take and sende vnto oure brethren that are left in all the lande of Israel, & with them also, to the preastes and Leuites which are in their cyties & Suburbes, togather them together vnto vs. 3 And we wyll brynge agayne the Arcke of the Lorde to vs: for we regarded it not in the dayes of Saul. 4 And all the congregacion was content that he shulde do so, for the thyng semed good in the eyes of all the people. 5 So Dauid gathered all Israel together from Sihor in Egypte, vnto the entrynge of Hemath, to bringe the arcke of the Lorde from kyriath Iearim. 6 And Dauid went vp & all Israel to an hye place towarde kyriath Iearim, that was in Iuda, to fet thence the arcke of the Lord God, that dwelleth betwen the Cherubes: where hys name is called on. 7 And they caryed the Arcke of God in a newe carte out of the house of Abinadab. And Uza & hys brother guyded the carte. 8 And Dauid & all Israel played before the arcke of God wt all theyr myght, with syngyng, and harpes, psalteries & tymbrelles and trompettes. 9 And when they came vnto the threshynge flowre of Chidon, Uza put forth his hande to holde the arcke, for the oxen stombled. 10 And the Lorde was wroth with Uza, and smote hym, because he put hys hande to the arcke. And there he dyed before God. 11 And Dauid was out of quyete, because the Lorde had rent a rent in Uza, & he called the name of that place: the rentyng of Uza vnto this daye 12 And Dauid was afrayde of God that daye saying: howe shall I bringe the arcke of God home to me? 13 And so Dauid brought not the arcke home to hym to the cytie of Dauid: But caried it into the house of ObedEdom a Gethite. 14 And the arcke of God remayned with ObedEdom, euen in hys house, thre monethes. And he blessed the house of ObedEdom and all that he had.