Sirach 3

Geneva(i) 1 The children of wisdome are the Church of the righteous, and their offspring is obedience and loue. 2 Heare your fathers iudgement, O children, and doe thereafter, that yee may be safe. 3 For the Lorde wil haue the father honoured of the children, and hath confirmed the authoritie of the mother ouer the children. 4 Who so honoureth his father, his sinnes shall be forgiuen him, and he shall absteine from them, and shall haue his daily desires. 5 And hee that honoureth his mother, is like one that gathereth treasure. 6 Who so honoureth his father, shall haue ioy of his owne children, and when he maketh his praier, he shalbe heard. 7 Hee that honoureth his father, shall haue a long life, and hee that is obedient vnto the Lorde, shall comfort his mother. 8 He that feareth the Lord, honoureth his parents, & doeth seruice vnto his parents, as vnto lords. 9 Honour thy father and mother, in deede and in worde and in all patience, that thou maiest haue Gods blessing, and that his blessing may abide with thee in the ende. 10 For the blessing of the father establisheth the houses of the children, and the mothers curse rooteth out the foundations. 11 Reioyce not at the dishonour of thy father: for it is not honour vnto thee, but shame. 12 Seeing that mans glorie commeth by his fathers honour, and the reproche of the mother is dishonour to the children, 13 My sonne, helpe thy father in his age, and grieue him not as long as he liueth. 14 And if his vnderstanding faile, haue patience with him, and despise him not when thou art in thy full strength. 15 For the good intreatie of thy father shall not be forgotten, but it shall be a fortresse for thee against sinnes, and for thy mothers offence, thou shalt be recompenced with good, and it shall be founded for thee in righteousnesse. 16 And in the day of trouble thou shalt bee remembred: thy sinnes also shall melt away as the yce in the faire weather. 17 He that forsaketh his father, shal come to shame, and he that angreth his mother, is cursed of God. 18 My son, performe thy doings with meekenes, so shalt thou be beloued of them that are approued. 19 The greater thou are, the more humble thy selfe in all things, and thou shalt finde fauour before the Lorde. 20 Many are excellent and of renowne: but the secretes are reueiled vnto the meeke. 21 For the power of the Lorde is great, and he is honoured of the lowly. 22 Seeke not out the things that are too harde for thee, neither searche the things rashly which are too mightie for thee. 23 But what God hath commaunded thee, thinke vpon that with reuerence, and be not curious in many of his works: for it is not needefull for thee to see with thine eyes the things that are secret. 24 Be not curious in superfluous things: for many things are shewed vnto thee aboue the capacitie of men. 25 The medling with such hath beguiled many, and an euil opinion hath deceiued their iudgement. 26 Thou canst not see without eyes: professe not the knowledge therefore that thou hast not. 27 A stubberne heart shall fare euill at the last: and he that loueth danger, shall perish therein. 28 An heart that goeth two waies, shal not prosper: and he that is frowarde of heart, shall stumble therein. 29 An obstinate heart shall be laden with sorrowes: and the wicked man shall heape sinne vpon sinne. 30 The perswasion of the proude is without remedie, and his steppes shall be plucked vp: for the plant of sinne hath taken roote in him, and he shal not be esteemed. 31 The heart of him that hath vnderstanding, shall perceiue secrete things, and an attentiue eare is the desire of a wise man. 32 An heart that is wise and vnderstanding, wil absteine from sinne, and shall prosper in the workes of righteousnesse. 33 Water quencheth burning fire, and almes taketh away sinnes. 34 And he that rewardeth good deedes, will remember it afterward, and in the time of the fall, he shall finde a staie.