Psalms 84:1-119:176

Geneva(i) 1 To him that excelleth upon Gittith. A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. O Lord of hostes, howe amiable are thy Tabernacles! 2 My soule longeth, yea, and fainteth for the courtes of the Lord: for mine heart and my flesh reioyce in the liuing God. 3 Yea, the sparrowe hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest for her, where she may lay her yong: euen by thine altars, O Lord of hostes, my King and my God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell in thine house: they will euer praise thee. Selah. 5 Blessed is the man, whose strength is in thee, and in whose heart are thy wayes. 6 They going through the vale of Baca, make welles therein: the raine also couereth the pooles. 7 They goe from strength to strength, till euery one appeare before God in Zion. 8 O Lord God of hostes, heare my prayer: hearken, O God of Iaakob. Selah. 9 Beholde, O God, our shielde, and looke vpon the face of thine Anointed. 10 For a day in thy courtes is better then a thousand other where: I had rather be a doore keeper in the House of my God, then to dwell in the Tabernacles of wickednesse. 11 For the Lord God is the sunne and shielde vnto vs: the Lord will giue grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from them that walke vprightly. 12 O Lord of hostes, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. 85 1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. Lord, thou hast bene fauourable vnto thy land: thou hast brought againe the captiuitie of Iaakob. 2 Thou hast forgiuen the iniquitie of thy people, and couered all their sinnes. Selah. 3 Thou hast withdrawen all thine anger, and hast turned backe from the fiercenes of thy wrath. 4 Turne vs, O God of our saluation, and release thine anger toward vs. 5 Wilt thou be angry with vs for euer? and wilt thou prolong thy wrath from one generation to another? 6 Wilt thou not turne againe and quicken vs, that thy people may reioyce in thee? 7 Shew vs thy mercie, O Lord, and graunt vs thy saluation. 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will say: for he will speake peace vnto his people, and to his Saintes, that they turne not againe to follie. 9 Surely his saluation is neere to them that feare him, that glory may dwell in our land. 10 Mercie and trueth shall meete: righteousnes and peace shall kisse one another. 11 Trueth shall bud out of the earth, and righteousnes shall looke downe from heauen. 12 Yea, the Lord shall giue good things, and our land shall giue her increase. 13 Righteousnesse shall go before him, and shall set her steps in the way. 86 1 A prayer of David. Incline thine eare, O Lord, and heare me: for I am poore and needy. 2 Preserue thou my soule, for I am mercifull: my God, saue thou thy seruant, that trusteth in thee. 3 Be mercifull vnto me, O Lord: for I crie vpon thee continually. 4 Reioyce the soule of thy seruant: for vnto thee, O Lord, doe I lift vp my soule. 5 For thou, Lord, art good and mercifull, and of great kindenes vnto all them, that call vpon thee. 6 Giue eare, Lord, vnto my prayer, and hearken to the voyce of my supplication. 7 In the day of my trouble I will call vpon thee: for thou hearest me. 8 Among the gods there is none like thee, O Lord, and there is none that can doe like thy workes. 9 All nations, whome thou hast made, shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and shall glorifie thy Name. 10 For thou art great and doest wonderous things: thou art God alone. 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and I will walke in thy trueth: knit mine heart vnto thee, that I may feare thy Name. 12 I wil prayse thee, O Lord my God, with all mine heart: yea, I wil glorifie thy Name for euer. 13 For great is thy mercie toward me, and thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest graue. 14 O God, the proude are risen against me, and the assemblies of violent men haue sought my soule, and haue not set thee before them. 15 But thou, O Lord, art a pitifull God and mercifull, slowe to anger and great in kindenes and trueth. 16 Turne vnto me, and haue mercy vpon me: giue thy strength vnto thy seruant, and saue the sonne of thine handmayd. 17 Shew a token of thy goodnes towarde me, that they which hate me, may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, O Lord, hast holpen me and comforted me. 87 1 A Psalme or song committed to the sonnes of Korah. God layde his foundations among the holy mountaines. 2 The Lord loueth the gates of Zion aboue all the habitations of Iaakob. 3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O citie of God. Selah. 4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babel among them that knowe me: beholde Palestina and Tyrus with Ethiopia, There is he borne. 5 And of Zion it shall be sayde, Many are borne in her: and he, euen the most High shall stablish her. 6 The Lord shall count, when hee writeth the people, He was borne there. Selah. 7 Aswell the singers as the players on instruments shall prayse thee: all my springs are in thee. 88 1 A song or Psalme of Heman the Ezrahite to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah for him that excelleth upon Malath Leannoth. O Lord God of my saluation, I cry day and night before thee. 2 Let my prayer enter into thy presence: incline thine eare vnto my cry. 3 For my soule is filled with euils, and my life draweth neere to the graue. 4 I am counted among them that go downe vnto the pit, and am as a man without strength: 5 Free among the dead, like the slaine lying in the graue, whome thou remembrest no more, and they are cut off from thine hand. 6 Thou hast layde me in the lowest pit, in darkenes, and in the deepe. 7 Thine indignation lyeth vpon me, and thou hast vexed me with all thy waues. Selah. 8 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance farre from me, and made mee to be abhorred of them: I am shut vp, and cannot get foorth. 9 Mine eye is sorowfull through mine affliction: Lord, I call dayly vpon thee: I stretch out mine hands vnto thee. 10 Wilt thou shewe a miracle to the dead? or shall the dead rise and prayse thee? Selah. 11 Shall thy louing kindenes be declared in the graue? or thy faithfulnes in destruction? 12 Shall thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darke? and thy righteousnes in the land of obliuion? 13 But vnto thee haue I cryed, O Lord, and early shall my prayer come before thee. 14 Lord, why doest thou reiect my soule, and hidest thy face from me? 15 I am afflicted and at the point of death: from my youth I suffer thy terrours, doubting of my life. 16 Thine indignations goe ouer me, and thy feare hath cut me off. 17 They came round about me dayly like water, and compassed me together. 18 My louers and friends hast thou put away from me, and mine acquaintance hid themselues. 89 1 A Psalme to give instruction, of Ethan the Ezrahite. I will sing the mercies of the Lord for euer: with my mouth will I declare thy trueth from generation to generation. 2 For I said, Mercie shalbe set vp for euer: thy trueth shalt thou stablish in ye very heauens. 3 I haue made a couenant with my chosen: I haue sworne to Dauid my seruant, 4 Thy seede will I stablish for euer, and set vp thy throne from generation to generation. Selah. 5 O Lord, euen the heauens shall prayse thy wonderous worke: yea, thy trueth in the Congregation of the Saints. 6 For who is equall to the Lord in the heauen? and who is like the Lord among the sonnes of the gods? 7 God is very terrible in the assemblie of the Saints, and to be reuerenced aboue all, that are about him. 8 O Lord God of hostes, who is like vnto thee, which art a mightie Lord, and thy trueth is about thee? 9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waues thereof arise, thou stillest them. 10 Thou hast beaten downe Rahab as a man slaine: thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy mightie arme. 11 The heauens are thine, the earth also is thine: thou hast layde the foundation of the world, and all that therein is. 12 Thou hast created the North and the South: Tabor and Hermon shall reioyce in thy Name. 13 Thou hast a mightie arme: strong is thine hand, and high is thy right hand. 14 Righteousnesse and equitie are the stablishment of thy throne: mercy and trueth goe before thy face. 15 Blessed is the people, that can reioyce in thee: they shall walke in the light of thy countenance, O Lord. 16 They shall reioyce continually in thy Name, and in thy righteousnes shall they exalt them selues. 17 For thou art the glory of their strength, and by thy fauour our hornes shall be exalted. 18 For our shield apperteineth to the Lord, and our King to the holy one of Israel. 19 Thou spakest then in a vision vnto thine Holy one, and saydest, I haue layde helpe vpon one that is mightie: I haue exalted one chosen out of the people. 20 I haue found Dauid my seruant: with mine holy oyle haue I anoynted him. 21 Therefore mine hande shall be established with him, and mine arme shall strengthen him. 22 The enemie shall not oppresse him, neither shall the wicked hurt him. 23 But I will destroy his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him. 24 My trueth also and my mercie shall be with him, and in my Name shall his horne be exalted. 25 I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the floods. 26 He shall cry vnto mee, Thou art my Father, my God and the rocke of my saluation. 27 Also I wil make him my first borne, higher then the Kings of the earth. 28 My mercie will I keepe for him for euermore, and my couenant shall stande fast with him. 29 His seede also will I make to endure for euer, and his throne as the dayes of heauen. 30 But if his children forsake my Lawe, and walke not in my iudgements: 31 If they breake my statutes, and keepe not my commandements: 32 Then will I visite their transgression with the rod, and their iniquitie with strokes. 33 Yet my louing kindnesse will I not take from him, neither will I falsifie my trueth. 34 My couenant wil I not breake, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. 35 I haue sworne once by mine holines, that I will not fayle Dauid, saying, 36 His seede shall endure for euer, and his throne shalbe as the sunne before me. 37 He shalbe established for euermore as the moone, and as a faythfull witnes in the heauen. Selah. 38 But thou hast reiected and abhorred, thou hast bene angry with thine Anoynted. 39 Thou hast broken the couenant of thy seruant, and profaned his crowne, casting it on the ground. 40 Thou hast broken downe all his walles: thou hast layd his fortresses in ruine. 41 All that goe by the way, spoyle him: he is a rebuke vnto his neighbours. 42 Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies, and made all his aduersaries to reioyce. 43 Thou hast also turned the edge of his sworde, and hast not made him to stand in the battell. 44 Thou hast caused his dignitie to decay, and cast his throne to the ground. 45 The dayes of his youth hast thou shortned, and couered him with shame. Selah. 46 Lord, howe long wilt thou hide thy selfe, for euer? shall thy wrath burne like fire? 47 Remember of what time I am: wherefore shouldest thou create in vaine all the children of men? 48 What man liueth, and shall not see death? shall hee deliuer his soule from the hande of the graue? Selah. 49 Lord, where are thy former mercies, which thou swarest vnto Dauid in thy trueth? 50 Remember, O Lord, the rebuke of thy seruants, which I beare in my bosome of all the mightie people. 51 For thine enemies haue reproched thee, O Lord, because they haue reproched the footesteps of thine Anointed. 52 Praised be the Lord for euermore. So be it, euen so be it. 90 1 A prayer of Moses, the man of God. Lord, thou hast bene our habitation from generation to generation. 2 Before the mountaines were made, and before thou hadst formed the earth, and the world, euen from euerlasting to euerlasting thou art our God. 3 Thou turnest man to destruction: againe thou sayest, Returne, ye sonnes of Adam. 4 For a thousande yeeres in thy sight are as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. 5 Thou hast ouerflowed them: they are as a sleepe: in the morning he groweth like the grasse: 6 In the morning it florisheth and groweth, but in the euening it is cut downe and withereth. 7 For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled. 8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, and our secret sinnes in the light of thy countenance. 9 For all our dayes are past in thine anger: we haue spent our yeeres as a thought. 10 The time of our life is threescore yeeres and ten, and if they be of strength, fourescore yeeres: yet their strength is but labour and sorowe: for it is cut off quickly, and we flee away. 11 Who knoweth the power of thy wrath? for according to thy feare is thine anger. 12 Teach vs so to nomber our dayes, that we may apply our heartes vnto wisdome. 13 Returne (O Lord, howe long?) and be pacified toward thy seruants. 14 Fill vs with thy mercie in the morning: so shall we reioyce and be glad all our dayes. 15 Comfort vs according to the dayes that thou hast afflicted vs, and according to the yeeres that we haue seene euill. 16 Let thy worke bee seene towarde thy seruants, and thy glory vpon their children. 17 And let the beautie of the Lord our God be vpon vs, and direct thou the worke of our hands vpon vs, euen direct the worke of our handes. 91 1 Who so dwelleth in the secrete of the most High, shall abide in the shadowe of the Almightie. 2 I will say vnto the Lord, O mine hope, and my fortresse: he is my God, in him will I trust. 3 Surely he will deliuer thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noysome pestilence. 4 Hee will couer thee vnder his winges, and thou shalt be sure vnder his feathers: his trueth shall be thy shielde and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraide of the feare of the night, nor of the arrowe that flyeth by day: 6 Nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darkenesse: nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone day. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and tenne thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come neere thee. 8 Doubtlesse with thine eyes shalt thou beholde and see the reward of the wicked. 9 For thou hast said, The Lord is mine hope: thou hast set the most High for thy refuge. 10 There shall none euill come vnto thee, neither shall any plague come neere thy tabernacle. 11 For hee shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes. 12 They shall beare thee in their handes, that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone. 13 Thou shalt walke vpon the lyon and aspe: the yong lyon and the dragon shalt thou treade vnder feete. 14 Because he hath loued me, therefore will I deliuer him: I will exalt him because hee hath knowen my Name. 15 He shall call vpon me, and I wil heare him: I will be with him in trouble: I will deliuer him, and glorifie him. 16 With long life wil I satisfie him, and shew him my saluation. 92 1 A Psalme or song for the Sabbath day. It is a good thing to praise the Lord, and to sing vnto thy Name, O most High, 2 To declare thy louing kindenesse in the morning, and thy trueth in the night, 3 Vpon an instrument of tenne strings, and vpon the viole with the song vpon the harpe. 4 For thou, Lord, hast made mee glad by thy workes, and I wil reioyce in the workes of thine handes. 5 O Lord, how glorious are thy workes! and thy thoughtes are very deepe. 6 An vnwise man knoweth it not, and a foole doeth not vnderstand this, 7 (When the wicked growe as the grasse, and all the workers of wickednesse doe flourish) that they shall be destroyed for euer. 8 But thou, O Lord, art most High for euermore. 9 For loe, thine enemies, O Lord: for loe, thine enemies shall perish: all the workers of iniquitie shall be destroyed. 10 But thou shalt exalt mine horne, like the vnicornes, and I shalbe anoynted with fresh oyle. 11 Mine eye also shall see my desire against mine enemies: and mine eares shall heare my wish against the wicked, that rise vp against me. 12 The righteous shall flourish like a palme tree, and shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. 13 Such as bee planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courtes of our God. 14 They shall still bring foorth fruite in their age: they shall be fat and flourishing, 15 To declare that the Lord my rocke is righteous, and that none iniquitie is in him. 93 1 The Lord reigneth, and is clothed with maiestie: the Lord is clothed, and girded with power: the world also shall be established, that it cannot be mooued. 2 Thy throne is established of olde: thou art from euerlasting. 3 The floodes haue lifted vp, O Lord: the floodes haue lifted vp their voyce: the floods lift vp their waues. 4 The waues of ye sea are marueilous through the noyse of many waters, yet the Lord on High is more mightie. 5 Thy testimonies are very sure: holinesse becommeth thine House, O Lord, for euer. 94 1 O Lord God the auenger, O God the auenger, shewe thy selfe clearely. 2 Exalt thy selfe, O Iudge of the worlde, and render a reward to the proude. 3 Lord how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph? 4 They prate and speake fiercely: all the workers of iniquitie vaunt themselues. 5 They smite downe thy people, O Lord, and trouble thine heritage. 6 They slay the widowe and the stranger, and murder the fatherlesse. 7 Yet they say, The Lord shall not see: neither will the God of Iaakob regard it. 8 Vnderstande ye vnwise among the people: and ye fooles, when will ye be wise? 9 Hee that planted the eare, shall hee not heare? or he that formed the eye, shall he not see? 10 Or he that chastiseth the nations, shall he not correct? hee that teacheth man knowledge, shall he not knowe? 11 The Lord knoweth the thoughtes of man, that they are vanitie. 12 Blessed is the man, whom thou chastisest, O Lord, and teachest him in thy Lawe, 13 That thou mayest giue him rest from the dayes of euill, whiles the pitte is digged for the wicked. 14 Surely the Lord will not faile his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. 15 For iudgement shall returne to iustice, and all the vpright in heart shall follow after it. 16 Who will rise vp with me against the wicked? or who will take my part against the workers of iniquitie? 17 If the Lord had not holpen me, my soule had almost dwelt in silence. 18 When I said, My foote slideth, thy mercy, O Lord, stayed me. 19 In the multitude of my thoughts in mine heart, thy comfortes haue reioyced my soule. 20 Hath the throne of iniquitie fellowship with thee, which forgeth wrong for a Lawe? 21 They gather them together against the soule of the righteous, and condemne the innocent blood. 22 But the Lord is my refuge, and my God is the rocke of mine hope. 23 And hee will recompence them their wickednes, and destroy them in their owne malice: yea, the Lord our God shall destroy them. 95 1 Come, let vs reioyce vnto the Lord: let vs sing aloude vnto the rocke of our saluation. 2 Let vs come before his face with praise: let vs sing loude vnto him with Psalmes. 3 For the Lord is a great God, and a great King aboue all gods. 4 In whose hande are the deepe places of the earth, and the heightes of the mountaines are his: 5 To whome the Sea belongeth: for hee made it, and his handes formed the dry land. 6 Come, let vs worship and fall downe, and kneele before the Lord our maker. 7 For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheepe of his hande: to day, if ye will heare his voyce, 8 Harden not your heart, as in Meribah, and as in the day of Massah in the wildernesse. 9 Where your fathers tempted me, proued me, though they had seene my worke. 10 Fourtie yeeres haue I contended with this generation, and said, They are a people that erre in heart, for they haue not knowen my wayes. 11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath, saying, Surely they shall not enter into my rest. 96 1 Sing vnto the Lord a newe song: sing vnto the Lord, all the earth. 2 Sing vnto the Lord, and prayse his Name: declare his saluation from day to day. 3 Declare his glory among all nations, and his wonders among all people. 4 For the Lord is great and much to be praysed: he is to be feared aboue all gods. 5 For all the gods of the people are idoles: but the Lord made the heauens. 6 Strength and glory are before him: power and beautie are in his Sanctuarie. 7 Giue vnto the Lord, ye families of the people: giue vnto the Lord glory and power. 8 Giue vnto the Lord the glory of his Name: bring an offering, and enter into his courtes. 9 Worship the Lord in the glorious Sanctuarie: tremble before him all the earth. 10 Say among the nations, The Lord reigneth: surely the world shalbe stable, and not moue, and he shall iudge the people in righteousnesse. 11 Let the heauens reioyce, and let the earth be glad: let the sea roare, and all that therein is. 12 Let the field be ioyfull, and all that is in it: let all the trees of the wood then reioyce 13 Before the Lord: for he commeth, for he cometh to iudge the earth: he wil iudge the world with righteousnes, and the people in his trueth. 97 1 The Lord reigneth: let the earth reioyce: let the multitude of the yles be glad. 2 Cloudes and darkenes are round about him: righteousnesse and iudgement are the foundation of his throne. 3 There shall goe a fire before him, and burne vp his enemies round about. 4 His lightnings gaue light vnto the worlde: the earth sawe it and was afraide. 5 The mountaines melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. 6 The heauens declare his righteousnes, and all the people see his glory. 7 Confounded be all they that serue grauen images, and that glory in idoles: worship him all ye gods. 8 Zion heard of it, and was glad: and the daughters of Iudah reioyced, because of thy iudgements, O Lord. 9 For thou, Lord, art most High aboue all the earth: thou art much exalted aboue all gods. 10 Ye that loue the Lord, hate euill: he preserueth the soules of his Saints: hee will deliuer them from the hand of the wicked. 11 Light is sowen for the righteous, and ioy for the vpright in heart. 12 Reioyce ye righteous in the Lord, and giue thankes for his holy remembrance. 98 1 A Psalme. Sing vnto the Lord a newe song: for hee hath done marueilous things: his right hand, and his holy arme haue gotten him the victorie. 2 The Lord declared his saluation: his righteousnes hath he reueiled in the sight of ye nations. 3 He hath remembred his mercy and his trueth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth haue seene the saluation of our God. 4 All the earth, sing ye loude vnto the Lord: crie out and reioyce, and sing prayses. 5 Sing prayse to the Lord vpon the harpe, euen vpon the harpe with a singing voyce. 6 With shalmes and sound of trumpets sing loude before the Lord the King. 7 Let the sea roare, and all that therein is, the world, and they that dwell therein. 8 Let the floods clap their hands, and let the mountaines reioyce together 9 Before the Lord: for he is come to iudge the earth: with righteousnesse shall hee iudge the world, and the people with equitie. 99 1 The Lord reigneth, let the people tremble: he sitteth betweene the Cherubims, let the earth be moued. 2 The Lord is great in Zion, and he is high aboue all the people. 3 They shall prayse thy great and fearefull Name (for it is holy) 4 And the Kings power, that loueth iudgement: for thou hast prepared equitie: thou hast executed iudgement and iustice in Iaakob. 5 Exalt the Lord our God, and fall downe before his footestoole: for he is holy. 6 Moses and Aaron were among his Priests, and Samuel among such as call vpon his Name: these called vpon the Lord, and he heard them. 7 Hee spake vnto them in the cloudie pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the Lawe that he gaue them. 8 Thou heardest them, O Lord our God: thou wast a fauourable God vnto them, though thou didst take vengeance for their inuentions. 9 Exalt the Lord our God, and fall downe before his holy Mountaine: for the Lord our God is holy. 100 1 A Psalme of Praise. Sing ye loude vnto the Lord, all the earth. 2 Serue the Lord with gladnes: come before him with ioyfulnes. 3 Knowe ye that euen the Lord is God: hee hath made vs, and not we our selues: we are his people, and the sheepe of his pasture. 4 Enter into his gates with prayse, and into his courts with reioycing: prayse him and blesse his Name. 5 For the Lord is good: his mercy is euerlasting, and his trueth is from generation to generation. 101 1 A Psalme of David. I will sing mercie and iudgement: vnto thee, O Lord, will I sing. 2 I will doe wisely in the perfite way, till thou commest to me: I will walke in the vprightnes of mine heart in the middes of mine house. 3 I wil set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the worke of them that fall away: it shall not cleaue vnto me. 4 A froward heart shall depart from me: I will knowe none euill. 5 Him that priuily slandereth his neighbour, wil I destroy: him that hath a proude looke and hie heart, I cannot suffer. 6 Mine eyes shalbe vnto the faithfull of the lande, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfite way, he shall serue me. 7 There shall no deceitful person dwell within mine house: he that telleth lyes, shall not remaine in my sight. 8 Betimes will I destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all the workers of iniquitie from the Citie of the Lord. 102 1 A prayer of the afflicted, when he shall be in distresse, and pour forth his meditation before the Lord. O Lord, heare my prayer, and let my crye come vnto thee. 2 Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble: incline thine eares vnto me: when I call, make haste to heare me. 3 For my dayes are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burnt like an herthe. 4 Mine heart is smitten and withereth like grasse, because I forgate to eate my bread. 5 For the voyce of my groning my bones doe cleaue to my skinne. 6 I am like a pelicane of the wildernesse: I am like an owle of the deserts. 7 I watch and am as a sparrowe alone vpon the house top. 8 Mine enemies reuile me dayly, and they that rage against me, haue sworne against me. 9 Surely I haue eaten asshes as bread, and mingled my drinke with weeping, 10 Because of thine indignation and thy wrath: for thou hast heaued me vp, and cast me downe. 11 My dayes are like a shadowe that fadeth, and I am withered like grasse. 12 But thou, O Lord, doest remaine for euer, and thy remembrance from generation to generation. 13 Thou wilt arise and haue mercy vpon Zion: for the time to haue mercie thereon, for the appointed time is come. 14 For thy seruants delite in the stones thereof, and haue pitie on the dust thereof. 15 Then the heathen shall feare the Name of the Lord, and all the Kings of the earth thy glory, 16 When the Lord shall build vp Zion, and shall appeare in his glory, 17 And shall turne vnto the prayer of the desolate, and not despise their prayer. 18 This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people, which shalbe created, shall prayse the Lord. 19 For he hath looked downe from the height of his Sanctuarie: out of the heauen did the Lord beholde the earth, 20 That he might heare the mourning of the prisoner, and deliuer the children of death: 21 That they may declare the Name of the Lord in Zion, and his prayse in Ierusalem, 22 When the people shalbe gathered together, and the kingdomes to serue the Lord. 23 He abated my strength in the way, and shortened my dayes. 24 And I sayd, O my God, take me not away in the middes of my dayes: thy yeeres endure from generation to generation. 25 Thou hast aforetime layde the foundation of the earth, and the heauens are the worke of thine hands. 26 They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: euen they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment: as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed. 27 But thou art the same, and thy yeeres shall not fayle. 28 The children of thy seruants shall continue, and their seede shall stand fast in thy sight. 103 1 A Psalme of David. My soule, prayse thou the Lord, and all that is within me, prayse his holy Name. 2 My soule, prayse thou the Lord, and forget not all his benefites. 3 Which forgiueth all thine iniquitie, and healeth all thine infirmities. 4 Which redeemeth thy life from the graue, and crowneth thee with mercy and compassions. 5 Which satisfieth thy mouth with good things: and thy youth is renued like the eagles. 6 The Lord executeth righteousnes and iudgement to all that are oppressed. 7 He made his wayes knowen vnto Moses, and his workes vnto the children of Israel. 8 The Lord is full of compassion and mercie, slowe to anger and of great kindnesse. 9 He will not alway chide, neither keepe his anger for euer. 10 He hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes, nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities. 11 For as high as the heauen is aboue ye earth, so great is his mercie toward them that feare him. 12 As farre as the East is from the West: so farre hath he remooued our sinnes from vs. 13 As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him. 14 For he knoweth whereof we be made: he remembreth that we are but dust. 15 The dayes of man are as grasse: as a flowre of the fielde, so florisheth he. 16 For the winde goeth ouer it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall knowe it no more. 17 But the louing kindnesse of the Lord endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare him, and his righteousnes vpon childrens children, 18 Vnto them that keepe his couenant, and thinke vpon his commandements to doe them. 19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in heauen, and his Kingdome ruleth ouer all. 20 Prayse the Lord, ye his Angels, that excell in strength, that doe his commandement in obeying the voyce of his worde. 21 Prayse the Lord, all ye his hostes, ye his seruants that doe his pleasure. 22 Prayse the Lord, all ye his workes, in all places of his dominion: my soule, prayse thou the Lord. 104 1 My soule, prayse thou the Lord: O Lord my God, thou art exceeding great, thou art clothed with glorie and honour. 2 Which couereth himselfe with light as with a garment, and spreadeth the heauens like a curtaine. 3 Which layeth the beames of his chambers in the waters, and maketh the cloudes his chariot, and walketh vpon the wings of the winde. 4 Which maketh his spirits his messengers, and a flaming fire his ministers. 5 He set the earth vpon her foundations, so that it shall neuer moue. 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe as with a garment: the waters woulde stand aboue the mountaines. 7 But at thy rebuke they flee: at the voyce of thy thunder they haste away. 8 And the mountaines ascend, and the valleis descend to the place which thou hast established for them. 9 But thou hast set them a bounde, which they shall not passe: they shall not returne to couer the earth. 10 He sendeth the springs into the valleis, which runne betweene the mountaines. 11 They shall giue drinke to all the beasts of the fielde, and the wilde asses shall quench their thirst. 12 By these springs shall the foules of the heauen dwell, and sing among the branches. 13 He watereth the mountaines from his chambers, and the earth is filled with the fruite of thy workes. 14 He causeth grasse to growe for the cattell, and herbe for the vse of man, that he may bring forth bread out of the earth, 15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oyle to make the face to shine, and bread that strengtheneth mans heart. 16 The high trees are satisfied, euen the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted, 17 That ye birdes may make their nestes there: the storke dwelleth in the firre trees. 18 The high mountaines are for the goates: the rockes are a refuge for the conies. 19 He appoynted the moone for certaine seasons: the sunne knoweth his going downe. 20 Thou makest darkenesse, and it is night, wherein all the beastes of the forest creepe forth. 21 The lions roare after their praye, and seeke their meate at God. 22 When the sunne riseth, they retire, and couche in their dennes. 23 Then goeth man forth to his worke, and to his labour vntill the euening. 24 O Lord, howe manifolde are thy workes! in wisdome hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. 25 So is this sea great and wide: for therein are things creeping innumerable, both small beastes and great. 26 There goe the shippes, yea, that Liuiathan, whom thou hast made to play therein. 27 All these waite vpon thee, that thou maiest giue them foode in due season. 28 Thou giuest it to them, and they gather it: thou openest thine hand, and they are filled with good things. 29 But if thou hide thy face, they are troubled: if thou take away their breath, they dye and returne to their dust. 30 Againe if thou send forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renuest the face of the earth. 31 Glory be to the Lord for euer: let the Lord reioyce in his workes. 32 He looketh on the earth and it trembleth: he toucheth the mountaines, and they smoke. 33 I will sing vnto the Lord all my life: I will prayse my God, while I liue. 34 Let my wordes be acceptable vnto him: I will reioyce in the Lord. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the wicked till there be no more: O my soule, prayse thou the Lord. Prayse ye the Lord. 105 1 Praise the Lord, and call vpon his Name: declare his workes among the people. 2 Sing vnto him, sing prayse vnto him, and talke of all his wonderous workes. 3 Reioyce in his holy Name: let the heart of them that seeke the Lord, reioyce. 4 Seeke the Lord and his strength: seeke his face continually. 5 Remember his marueilous woorkes, that he hath done, his wonders and the iudgements of his mouth, 6 Ye seede of Abraham his seruant, ye children of Iaakob, which are his elect. 7 He is the Lord our God: his iudgements are through all the earth. 8 He hath alway remembred his couenant and promise, that he made to a thousand generations, 9 Euen that which he made with Abraham, and his othe vnto Izhak: 10 And since hath confirmed it to Iaakob for a lawe, and to Israel for an euerlasting couenant, 11 Saying, Vnto thee will I giue the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance. 12 Albeit they were fewe in nomber, yea, very fewe, and strangers in the land, 13 And walked about from nation to nation, from one kingdome to another people, 14 Yet suffered he no man to doe them wrong, but reprooued Kings for their sakes, saying, 15 Touche not mine anointed, and doe my Prophets no harme. 16 Moreouer, he called a famine vpon ye land, and vtterly brake the staffe of bread. 17 But he sent a man before them: Ioseph was solde for a slaue. 18 They helde his feete in the stockes, and he was laide in yrons, 19 Vntill his appointed time came, and the counsell of the Lord had tryed him. 20 The King sent and loosed him: euen the Ruler of the people deliuered him. 21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance, 22 That he shoulde binde his princes vnto his will, and teach his Ancients wisedome. 23 Then Israel came to Egypt, and Iaakob was a stranger in the land of Ham. 24 And he increased his people exceedingly, and made them stronger then their oppressours. 25 He turned their heart to hate his people, and to deale craftily with his seruants. 26 Then sent he Moses his seruant, and Aaron whom he had chosen. 27 They shewed among them the message of his signes, and wonders in the land of Ham. 28 He sent darkenesse, and made it darke: and they were not disobedient vnto his commission. 29 He turned their waters into blood, and slewe their fish. 30 Their land brought foorth frogs, euen in their Kings chambers. 31 He spake, and there came swarmes of flies and lice in all their quarters. 32 He gaue them haile for raine, and flames of fire in their land. 33 He smote their vines also and their figge trees, and brake downe the trees in their coastes. 34 He spake, and the grashoppers came, and caterpillers innumerable, 35 And did eate vp all the grasse in their land, and deuoured the fruite of their ground. 36 He smote also all the first borne in their land, euen the beginning of all their strength. 37 He brought them forth also with siluer and golde, and there was none feeble among their tribes. 38 Egypt was glad at their departing: for the feare of them had fallen vpon them. 39 He spred a cloude to be a couering, and fire to giue light in the night. 40 They asked, and he brought quailes, and he filled them with the bread of heauen. 41 He opened the rocke, and the waters flowed out, and ranne in the drye places like a riuer. 42 For he remembred his holy promise to Abraham his seruant, 43 And he brought forth his people with ioy, and his chosen with gladnesse, 44 And gaue them the lands of the heathen, and they tooke the labours of the people in possession, 45 That they might keepe his statutes, and obserue his Lawes. Prayse ye the Lord. 106 1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord because he is good, for his mercie endureth for euer. 2 Who can expresse the noble actes of the Lord, or shewe forth all his prayse? 3 Blessed are they that keepe iudgement, and doe righteousnesse at all times. 4 Remember me, O Lord, with the fauour of thy people: visite me with thy saluation, 5 That I may see the felicitie of thy chosen, and reioyce in the ioy of thy people, and glorie with thine inheritance. 6 We haue sinned with our fathers: we haue committed iniquitie, and done wickedly. 7 Our fathers vnderstoode not thy wonders in Egypt, neither remembred they the multitude of thy mercies, but rebelled at the Sea, euen at the red sea. 8 Neuerthelesse he saued them for his Names sake, that he might make his power to be knowen. 9 And he rebuked the red Sea, and it was dryed vp, and he led them in the deepe, as in the wildernesse. 10 And he saued them from ye aduersaries hand, and deliuered them from ye hand of the enemie. 11 And the waters couered their oppressours: not one of them was left. 12 Then beleeued they his wordes, and sang prayse vnto him. 13 But incontinently they forgate his workes: they wayted not for his counsell, 14 But lusted with concupiscence in the wildernes, and tempted God in the desert. 15 Then he gaue them their desire: but he sent leannesse into their soule. 16 They enuied Moses also in the tentes, and Aaron the holy one of the Lord. 17 Therefore the earth opened and swallowed vp Dathan, and couered the companie of Abiram. 18 And the fire was kindled in their assembly: the flame burnt vp the wicked. 19 They made a calfe in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image. 20 Thus they turned their glory into the similitude of a bullocke, that eateth grasse. 21 They forgate God their Sauiour, which had done great things in Egypt, 22 Wonderous woorkes in the lande of Ham, and fearefull things by the red Sea. 23 Therefore he minded to destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stand in the breach before him to turne away his wrath, least he shoulde destroy them. 24 Also they contemned that pleasant land, and beleeued not his worde, 25 But murmured in their tentes, and hearkened not vnto the voice of the Lord. 26 Therefore hee lifted vp his hande against them, to destroy them in the wildernesse, 27 And to destroy their seede among the nations, and to scatter them throughout the countries. 28 They ioyned themselues also vnto Baalpeor, and did eate the offrings of the dead. 29 Thus they prouoked him vnto anger with their owne inuentions, and the plague brake in vpon them. 30 But Phinehas stoode vp, and executed iudgement, and the plague was staied. 31 And it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes from generation to generation for euer. 32 They angred him also at the waters of Meribah, so that Moses was punished for their sakes, 33 Because they vexed his spirite, so that hee spake vnaduisedly with his lippes. 34 Neither destroied they the people, as the Lord had commanded them, 35 But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their workes, 36 And serued their idoles, which were their ruine. 37 Yea, they offered their sonnes, and their daughters vnto deuils, 38 And shed innocent blood, euen the blood of their sonnes, and of their daughters, whome they offred vnto the idoles of Canaan, and the lande was defiled with blood. 39 Thus were they steined with their owne woorkes, and went a whoring with their owne inuentions. 40 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, and he abhorred his owne inheritance. 41 And hee gaue them into the hande of the heathen: and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them. 42 Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were humbled vnder their hand. 43 Many a time did hee deliuer them, but they prouoked him by their counsels: therefore they were brought downe by their iniquitie. 44 Yet hee sawe when they were in affliction, and he heard their crie. 45 And he remembred his couenant towarde them and repented according to the multitude of his mercies, 46 And gaue them fauour in the sight of all them that lead them captiues. 47 Saue vs, O Lord our God, and gather vs from among the heathen, that we may praise thine holy Name, and glorie in thy praise. 48 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and euer, and let all the people say, So be it. Praise yee the Lord. 107 1 Praise the Lord, because he is good: for his mercie endureth for euer. 2 Let them, which haue bene redeemed of the Lord, shewe how he hath deliuered them from the hand of the oppressour, 3 And gathered them out of the lands, from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South. 4 When they wandered in the desert and wildernesse out of the waie, and founde no citie to dwell in, 5 Both hungrie and thirstie, their soule fainted in them. 6 Then they cried vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuered them from their distresse, 7 And led them forth by the right way, that they might goe to a citie of habitation. 8 Let them therefore confesse before ye Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men. 9 For he satisfied the thirstie soule, and filled the hungrie soule with goodnesse. 10 They that dwell in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death, being bounde in miserie and yron, 11 Because they rebelled against the wordes of the Lord, and despised the counsell of the most High, 12 When he humbled their heart with heauines, then they fell downe and there was no helper. 13 Then they cried vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuered them from their distresse. 14 He brought them out of darkenes, and out of the shadowe of death, and brake their bandes asunder. 15 Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men. 16 For hee hath broken the gates of brasse, and brast the barres of yron asunder. 17 Fooles by reason of their transgression, and because of their iniquities are afflicted. 18 Their soule abhorreth al meat, and they are brought to deaths doore. 19 Then they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuereth them from their distresse. 20 He sendeth his worde and healeth them, and deliuereth them from their graues. 21 Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderful workes before the sonnes of men, 22 And let them offer sacrifices of praise, and declare his workes with reioycing. 23 They that goe downe to the sea in ships, and occupie by the great waters, 24 They see the woorkes of the Lord, and his wonders in the deepe. 25 For he commaundeth and raiseth the stormie winde, and it lifteth vp the waues thereof. 26 They mount vp to the heauen, and descend to ye deepe, so that their soule melteth for trouble. 27 They are tossed to and from, and stagger like a drunken man, and all their cunning is gone. 28 Then they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresse. 29 He turneth the storme to calme, so that the waues thereof are still. 30 When they are quieted, they are glad, and hee bringeth them vnto the hauen, where they would be. 31 Let them therfore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men. 32 And let them exalt him in the Congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the Elders. 33 He turneth the floodes into a wildernesse, and the springs of waters into drinesse, 34 And a fruitfull land into barrennes for the wickednes of them that dwell therein. 35 Againe hee turneth the wildernesse into pooles of water, and the drie lande into water springs. 36 And there he placeth the hungrie, and they builde a citie to dwell in, 37 And sowe the fieldes, and plant vineyardes, which bring foorth fruitfull increase. 38 For he blesseth them, and they multiplie exceedingly, and he diminisheth not their cattell. 39 Againe men are diminished, and brought lowe by oppression, euill and sorowe. 40 He powreth contempt vpon princes, and causeth them to erre in desert places out of the way. 41 Yet he raiseth vp the poore out of miserie, and maketh him families like a flocke of sheepe. 42 The righteous shall see it, and reioyce, and all iniquitie shall stoppe her mouth. 43 Who is wise that hee may obserue these things? for they shall vnderstand the louing kindnesse of the Lord. 108 1 A song or Psalme of David. O God, mine heart is prepared, so is my tongue: I will sing and giue praise. 2 Awake viole and harpe: I will awake early. 3 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people, and I wil sing vnto thee among the nations. 4 For thy mercy is great aboue the heauens, and thy trueth vnto the clouds. 5 Exalt thy self, O God, aboue the heauens, and let thy glorie be vpon all the earth, 6 That thy beloued may be deliuered: helpe with thy right hand and heare me. 7 God hath spoken in his holinesse: therefore I will reioyce, I shall deuide Shechem and measure the valley of Succoth. 8 Gilead shalbe mine, and Manasseh shalbe mine: Ephraim also shalbe the strength of mine head: Iuda is my lawgiuer. 9 Moab shalbe my washpot: ouer Edom wil I cast out my shoe: vpon Palestina wil I triumph. 10 Who will leade mee into the strong citie? who will bring me vnto Edom? 11 Wilt not thou, O God, which haddest forsaken vs, and diddest not goe foorth, O God, with our armies? 12 Giue vs helpe against trouble: for vaine is the helpe of man. 13 Through God we shall doe valiantly: for he shall treade downe our enemies. 109 1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. Holde not thy tongue, O God of my praise. 2 For the mouth of the wicked, and the mouth full of deceite are opened vpon me: they haue spoken to me with a lying tongue. 3 They compassed me about also with words of hatred, and fought against me without a cause. 4 For my friendship they were mine aduersaries, but I gaue my selfe to praier. 5 And they haue rewarded me euil for good, and hatred for my friendship. 6 Set thou the wicked ouer him, and let the aduersarie stand at his right hand. 7 Whe he shalbe iudged, let him be condemned, and let his praier be turned into sinne. 8 Let his daies be fewe, and let another take his charge. 9 Let his children be fatherlesse, and his wife a widowe. 10 Let his children be vagabonds and beg and seeke bread, comming out of their places destroyed. 11 Let the extortioner catch al that he hath, and let the strangers spoile his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercie vnto him: neither let there be any to shewe mercie vpon his fatherlesse children. 13 Let his posteritie be destroied, and in the generation following let their name be put out. 14 Let the iniquitie of his fathers bee had in remembrance with the Lord: and let not the sinne of his mother be done away. 15 But let them alway be before the Lord, that he may cut off their memorial from ye earth. 16 Because he remembred not to shew mercie, but persecuted the afflicted and poore man, and the sorowfull hearted to slay him. 17 As he loued cursing, so shall it come vnto him, and as he loued not blessing, so shall it be farre from him. 18 As he clothed himselfe with cursing like a rayment, so shall it come into his bowels like water, and like oyle into his bones. 19 Let it be vnto him as a garment to couer him, and for a girdle, wherewith he shalbe alway girded. 20 Let this be the rewarde of mine aduersarie from the Lord, and of them, that speake euill against my soule. 21 But thou, O Lord my God, deale with me according vnto thy Name: deliuer me, (for thy mercie is good) 22 Because I am poore and needie, and mine heart is wounded within me. 23 I depart like the shadowe that declineth, and am shaken off as the grashopper. 24 My knees are weake through fasting, and my flesh hath lost all fatnes. 25 I became also a rebuke vnto them: they that looked vpon me, shaked their heads. 26 Helpe me, O Lord my God: saue me according to thy mercie. 27 And they shall know, that this is thine hand, and that thou, Lord, hast done it. 28 Though they curse, yet thou wilt blesse: they shall arise and be confounded, but thy seruant shall reioyce. 29 Let mine aduersaries be clothed with shame, and let them couer themselues with their confusion, as with a cloke. 30 I will giue thankes vnto the Lord greatly with my mouth and praise him among ye multitude. 31 For he will stand at the right hand of the poore, to saue him from them that woulde condemne his soule. 110 1 A Psalme of David. The Lord said vnto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole. 2 The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Zion: be thou ruler in the middes of thine enemies. 3 Thy people shall come willingly at the time of assembling thine armie in holy beautie: the youth of thy wombe shalbe as the morning dewe. 4 The Lord sware and wil not repent, Thou art a Priest for euer after ye order of Melchi-zedek. 5 The Lord, that is at thy right hand, shall wound Kings in the day of his wrath. 6 He shalbe iudge among the heathen: he shall fill all with dead bodies, and smite the head ouer great countreis. 7 He shall drinke of the brooke in the way: therefore shall he lift vp his head. 111 1 Praise ye the Lord. I will prayse the Lord with my whole heart in the assemblie and Congregation of the iust. 2 The workes of the Lord are great, and ought to be sought out of al them that loue them. 3 His worke is beautifull and glorious, and his righteousnesse endureth for euer. 4 He hath made his wonderfull workes to be had in remembrance: the Lord is mercifull and full of compassion. 5 He hath giuen a portion vnto them that feare him: he wil euer be mindfull of his couenant. 6 He hath shewed to his people the power of his workes in giuing vnto them the heritage of the heathen. 7 The workes of his handes are trueth and iudgement: all his statutes are true. 8 They are stablished for euer and euer, and are done in trueth and equitie. 9 He sent redemption vnto his people: he hath commanded his couenant for euer: holy and fearefull is his Name. 10 The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord: all they that obserue them, haue good vnderstanding: his praise endureth for euer. 112 1 Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man, that feareth the Lord, and deliteth greatly in his commandements. 2 His seede shall be mightie vpon earth: the generation of the righteous shall be blessed. 3 Riches and treasures shalbe in his house, and his righteousnesse endureth for euer. 4 Vnto the righteous ariseth light in darkenes: he is merciful and full of copassion and righteous. 5 A good man is mercifull and lendeth, and will measure his affaires by iudgement. 6 Surely he shall neuer be moued: but the righteous shalbe had in euerlasting remembrance. 7 He will not be afraide of euill tidings: for his heart is fixed, and beleeueth in the Lord. 8 His heart is stablished: therefore he will not feare, vntill he see his desire vpon his enemies. 9 He hath distributed and giuen to ye poore: his righteousnesse remaineth for euer: his horne shalbe exalted with glory. 10 The wicked shall see it and be angrie: he shall gnash with his teeth, and consume away: the desire of the wicked shall perish. 113 1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye seruants of the Lord, prayse the Name of the Lord. 2 Blessed be the Name of the Lord from hencefoorth and for euer. 3 The Lordes Name is praysed from the rising of ye sunne, vnto ye going downe of the same. 4 The Lord is high aboue all nations, and his glorie aboue the heauens. 5 Who is like vnto the Lord our God, that hath his dwelling on high! 6 Who abaseth himselfe to beholde things in the heauen and in the earth! 7 He raiseth the needie out of the dust, and lifteth vp the poore out of the dung, 8 That he may set him with the princes, euen with the princes of his people. 9 He maketh the barren woman to dwell with a familie, and a ioyfull mother of children. Prayse ye the Lord. 114 1 When Israel went out of Egypt, and the house of Iaakob from the barbarous people, 2 Iudah was his sanctification, and Israel his dominion. 3 The Sea sawe it and fled: Iorden was turned backe. 4 The mountaines leaped like rams, and the hils as lambes. 5 What ailed thee, O Sea, that thou fleddest? O Iorden, why wast thou turned backe? 6 Ye mountaines, why leaped ye like rams, and ye hils as lambes? 7 The earth trembled at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Iaakob, 8 Which turneth the rocke into waterpooles, and the flint into a fountaine of water. 115 1 Not vnto vs, O Lord, not vnto vs, but vnto thy Name giue the glorie, for thy louing mercie and for thy truethes sake. 2 Wherefore shall the heathen say, Where is nowe their God? 3 But our God is in heauen: he doeth what so euer he will. 4 Their idoles are siluer and golde, euen the worke of mens hands. 5 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes and see not. 6 They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smelll not. 7 They haue handes and touche not: they haue feete and walke not: neither make they a sound with their throte. 8 They that make them are like vnto them: so are all that trust in them. 9 O Israel, trust thou in the Lord: for he is their helpe and their shielde. 10 O house of Aaron, trust ye in the Lord: for he is their helpe and their shielde. 11 Ye that feare the Lord, trust in the Lord: for he is their helper and their shield. 12 The Lord hath bene mindfull of vs: he will blesse, he will blesse the house of Israel, he will blesse the house of Aaron. 13 He will blesse them that feare the Lord, both small and great. 14 The Lord will increase his graces towarde you, euen toward you and toward your children. 15 Ye are blessed of the Lord, which made the heauen and the earth. 16 The heauens, euen the heauens are the Lordes: but he hath giuen the earth to the sonnes of men. 17 The dead prayse not the Lord, neither any that goe downe into the place of silence. 18 But we will prayse the Lord from henceforth and for euer. Prayse ye the Lord. 116 1 I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voyce and my prayers. 2 For he hath inclined his eare vnto me, whe I did call vpon him in my dayes. 3 When the snares of death copassed me, and the griefes of the graue caught me: when I founde trouble and sorowe. 4 Then I called vpon the Name of the Lord, saying, I beseech thee, O Lord, deliuer my soule. 5 The Lord is mercifull and righteous, and our God is full of compassion. 6 The Lord preserueth the simple: I was in miserie and he saued me. 7 Returne vnto thy rest, O my soule: for the Lord hath bene beneficiall vnto thee, 8 Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death, mine eyes from teares, and my feete from falling. 9 I shall walke before the Lord in the lande of the liuing. 10 I beleeued, therefore did I speake: for I was sore troubled. 11 I said in my feare, All men are lyers. 12 What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefites toward me? 13 I will take the cup of saluation, and call vpon the Name of the Lord. 14 I will pay my vowes vnto the Lord, euen nowe in the presence of all his people. 15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saintes. 16 Beholde, Lord: for I am thy seruant, I am thy seruant, and the sonne of thine handmaide: thou hast broken my bondes. 17 I will offer to thee a sacrifice of prayse, and will call vpon the Name of the Lord. 18 I will pay my vowes vnto the Lord, euen nowe in the presence of all his people, 19 In the courtes of ye Lords house, euen in the middes of thee, O Ierusalem. Praise ye the Lord. 117 1 All nations, praise ye the Lord: all ye people, praise him. 2 For his louing kindnes is great toward vs, and the trueth of the Lord endureth for euer. Praise yee the Lord. 118 1 Praise yee the Lord, because he is good: for his mercie endureth for euer. 2 Let Israel now say, That his mercy endureth for euer. 3 Let the house of Aaron nowe say, That his mercy endureth for euer. 4 Let them, that feare the Lord, nowe say, That his mercie endureth for euer. 5 I called vpon the Lord in trouble, and the Lord heard me, and set me at large. 6 The Lord is with mee: therefore I will not feare what man can doe vnto me. 7 The Lord is with mee among them that helpe me: therefore shall I see my desire vpon mine enemies. 8 It is better to trust in the Lord, then to haue confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the Lord, then to haue confidence in princes. 10 All nations haue compassed me: but in the Name of the Lord shall I destroy them. 11 They haue compassed mee, yea, they haue compassed mee: but in the Name of the Lord I shall destroy them. 12 They came about mee like bees, but they were quenched as a fire of thornes: for in the Name of the Lord I shall destroy them. 13 Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I might fall: but the Lord hath holpen me. 14 The Lord is my strength and song: for he hath beene my deliuerance. 15 The voice of ioy and deliuerance shall be in the tabernacles of the righteous, saying, The right hand of the Lord hath done valiantly. 16 The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord hath done valiantly. 17 I shall not die, but liue, and declare the woorkes of the Lord. 18 The Lord hath chastened me sore, but he hath not deliuered me to death. 19 Open ye vnto me the gates of righteousnes, that I may goe into them, and praise the Lord. 20 This is the gate of the Lord: the righteous shall enter into it. 21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard mee, and hast beene my deliuerance. 22 The stone, which the builders refused, is the head of the corner. 23 This was the Lordes doing, and it is marueilous in our eyes. 24 This is the day, which the Lord hath made: let vs reioyce and be glad in it. 25 O Lord, I praie thee, saue now: O Lord, I praie thee nowe giue prosperitie. 26 Blessed be he, that commeth in the Name of the Lord: wee haue blessed you out of the house of the Lord. 27 The Lord is mightie, and hath giuen vs light: binde the sacrifice with cordes vnto the hornes of the altar. 28 Thou art my God, and I will praise thee, euen my God: therefore I will exalt thee. 29 Praise ye the Lord, because he is good: for his mercie endureth for euer. 119 1 ALEPH. Blessed are those that are vpright in their way, and walke in the Lawe of the Lord. 2 Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies, and seeke him with their whole heart. 3 Surely they woorke none iniquitie, but walke in his waies. 4 Thou hast commanded to keepe thy precepts diligently. 5 Oh that my waies were directed to keepe thy statutes! 6 Then should I not be confounded, when I haue respect vnto all thy commandements. 7 I will praise thee with an vpright heart, when I shall learne the iudgements of thy righteousnesse. 8 I will keepe thy statutes: forsake mee not ouerlong. 9 BETH. Wherewith shall a yong man redresse his waie? in taking heede thereto according to thy woorde. 10 With my whole heart haue I sought thee: let me not wander from thy commandements. 11 I haue hid thy promise in mine heart, that I might not sinne against thee. 12 Blessed art thou, O Lord: teache mee thy statutes. 13 With my lippes haue I declared all the iudgements of thy mouth. 14 I haue had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies, as in all riches. 15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and consider thy waies. 16 I will delite in thy statutes, and I will not forget thy worde. 17 GIMEL. Be beneficiall vnto thy seruant, that I may liue and keepe thy woorde. 18 Open mine eies, that I may see the wonders of thy Lawe. 19 I am a stranger vpon earth: hide not thy commandements from me. 20 Mine heart breaketh for the desire to thy iudgements alway. 21 Thou hast destroied the proud: cursed are they that doe erre from thy commandements. 22 Remoue from mee shame and contempt: for I haue kept thy testimonies. 23 Princes also did sit, and speake against me: but thy seruant did meditate in thy statutes. 24 Also thy testimonies are my delite, and my counsellers. 25 DALETH. My soule cleaueth to the dust: quicken me according to thy worde. 26 I haue declared my waies, and thou heardest me: teache me thy statutes. 27 Make me to vnderstand ye way of thy precepts, and I will meditate in thy wondrous workes. 28 My soule melteth for heauinesse: raise mee vp according vnto thy worde. 29 Take from mee the way of lying, and graunt me graciously thy Lawe. 30 I haue chosen the way of trueth, and thy iudgements haue I laied before me. 31 I haue cleaued to thy testimonies, O Lord: confound me not. 32 I will runne the way of thy commandements, when thou shalt enlarge mine heart. 33 HE. Teach mee, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I will keepe it vnto the ende. 34 Giue mee vnderstanding, and I will keepe thy Law: yea, I wil keepe it with my whole heart. 35 Direct mee in the path of thy commandements: for therein is my delite. 36 Incline mine heart vnto thy testimonies, and not to couetousnesse. 37 Turne away mine eies from regarding vanitie, and quicken me in thy way. 38 Stablish thy promise to thy seruaunt, because he feareth thee. 39 Take away my rebuke that I feare: for thy iudgements are good. 40 Beholde, I desire thy commandements: quicken me in thy righteousnesse, 41 VAV. And let thy louing kindnesse come vnto me, O Lord, and thy saluation according to thy promise. 42 So shall I make answere vnto my blasphemers: for I trust in thy woorde. 43 And take not the woorde of trueth vtterly out of my mouth: for I waite for thy iudgements. 44 So shall I alway keepe thy Lawe for euer and euer. 45 And I will walke at libertie: for I seeke thy precepts. 46 I will speake also of thy testimonies before Kings, and will not be ashamed. 47 And my delite shalbe in thy commandements, which I haue loued. 48 Mine handes also will I lift vp vnto thy commandements, which I haue loued, and I will meditate in thy statutes. 49 ZAIN. Remember the promise made to thy seruant, wherein thou hast caused me to trust. 50 It is my comfort in my trouble: for thy promise hath quickened me. 51 The proude haue had me exceedingly in derision: yet haue I not declined from thy Lawe. 52 I remembred thy iudgements of olde, O Lord, and haue bene comforted. 53 Feare is come vpon mee for the wicked, that forsake thy Lawe. 54 Thy statutes haue beene my songes in the house of my pilgrimage. 55 I haue remembred thy Name, O Lord, in the night, and haue kept thy Lawe. 56 This I had because I kept thy precepts. 57 CHETH. O Lord, that art my portion, I haue determined to keepe thy wordes. 58 I made my supplication in thy presence with my whole heart: be mercifull vnto me according to thy promise. 59 I haue considered my waies, and turned my feete into thy testimonies. 60 I made haste and delaied not to keepe thy commandements. 61 The bandes of the wicked haue robbed me: but I haue not forgotten thy Lawe. 62 At midnight will I rise to giue thanks vnto thee, because of thy righteous iudgements. 63 I am companion of all them that feare thee, and keepe thy precepts. 64 The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercie: teache me thy statutes. 65 TETH. O Lord, thou hast delt graciously with thy seruant according vnto thy woorde. 66 Teach me good iudgement and knowledge: for I haue beleeued thy commandements. 67 Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but nowe I keepe thy woorde. 68 Thou art good and gracious: teach me thy statutes. 69 The proud haue imagined a lie against me: but I wil keepe thy precepts with my whole heart. 70 Their heart is fatte as grease: but my delite is in thy Lawe. 71 It is good for me that I haue beene afflicted, that I may learne thy statutes. 72 The Lawe of thy mouth is better vnto me, then thousands of golde and siluer. 73 IOD. Thine hands haue made me and fashioned me: giue mee vnderstanding therefore, that I may learne thy commandements. 74 So they that feare thee, seeing mee shall reioyce, because I haue trusted in thy worde. 75 I knowe, O Lord, that thy iudgements are right, and that thou hast afflicted me iustly. 76 I pray thee that thy mercie may comfort me according to thy promise vnto thy seruant. 77 Let thy tender mercies come vnto me, that I may liue: for thy Lawe is my delite. 78 Let the proude be ashamed: for they haue dealt wickedly and falsely with me: but I meditate in thy precepts. 79 Let such as feare thee turne vnto me, and they that knowe thy testimonies. 80 Let mine heart bee vpright in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed. 81 CAPH. My soule fainteth for thy saluation: yet I waite for thy worde. 82 Mine eyes faile for thy promise, saying, when wilt thou comfort me? 83 For I am like a bottell in the smoke: yet doe I not forget thy statutes. 84 Howe many are the dayes of thy seruant? When wilt thou execute iudgement on them that persecute me? 85 The proude haue digged pittes for mee, which is not after thy Lawe. 86 All thy commandements are true: they persecute me falsely: helpe me. 87 They had almost consumed me vpon the earth: but I forsooke not thy precepts. 88 Quicken me according to thy louing kindnes: so shall I keepe the testimony of thy mouth. 89 LAMED. O Lord, thy worde endureth for euer in heauen. 90 Thy trueth is from generation to generation: thou hast layed the foundation of the earth, and it abideth. 91 They continue euen to this day by thine ordinances: for all are thy seruants. 92 Except thy Lawe had bene my delite, I should now haue perished in mine affliction. 93 I wil neuer forget thy precepts: for by them thou hast quickened me. 94 I am thine, saue me: for I haue sought thy precepts. 95 The wicked haue waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies. 96 I haue seene an ende of all perfection: but thy commandement is exceeding large. 97 MEM. Oh howe loue I thy Lawe! it is my meditation continually. 98 By thy commandements thou hast made mee wiser then mine enemies: for they are euer with mee. 99 I haue had more vnderstading then all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. 100 I vnderstoode more then the ancient, because I kept thy precepts. 101 I haue refrained my feete from euery euil way, that I might keepe thy word. 102 I haue not declined from thy iudgements: for thou didest teach me. 103 Howe sweete are thy promises vnto my mouth! yea, more then hony vnto my mouth. 104 By thy precepts I haue gotten vnderstanding: therefore I hate all the wayes of falshoode. 105 NUN. Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my path. 106 I haue sworne and will performe it, that I will keepe thy righteous iudgements. 107 I am very sore afflicted: O Lord, quicken me according to thy word. 108 O Lord, I beseeche thee accept the free offerings of my mouth, and teach mee thy iudgements. 109 My soule is continually in mine hande: yet doe I not forget thy Lawe. 110 The wicked haue layed a snare for mee: but I swarued not from thy precepts. 111 Thy testimonies haue I taken as an heritage for euer: for they are the ioy of mine heart. 112 I haue applied mine heart to fulfill thy statutes alway, euen vnto the ende. 113 SAMECH. I hate vaine inuentions: but thy Lawe doe I loue. 114 Thou art my refuge and shield, and I trust in thy worde. 115 Away from mee, yee wicked: for I will keepe the commandements of my God. 116 Stablish me according to thy promise, that I may liue, and disappoint me not of mine hope. 117 Stay thou mee, and I shall be safe, and I will delite continually in thy statutes. 118 Thou hast troden downe all them that depart from thy statutes: for their deceit is vaine. 119 Thou hast taken away all ye wicked of the earth like drosse: therefore I loue thy testimonies. 120 My flesh trembleth for feare of thee, and I am afraide of thy iudgements. 121 AIN. I haue executed iudgement and iustice: leaue me not to mine oppressours. 122 Answere for thy seruant in that, which is good, and let not the proude oppresse me. 123 Mine eyes haue failed in waiting for thy saluation, and for thy iust promise. 124 Deale with thy seruant according to thy mercie, and teache me thy statutes. 125 I am thy seruant: graunt mee therefore vnderstanding, that I may knowe thy testimonies. 126 It is time for thee Lord to worke: for they haue destroyed thy Lawe. 127 Therefore loue I thy commandements aboue golde, yea, aboue most fine golde. 128 Therefore I esteeme all thy precepts most iust, and hate all false wayes. 129 PE. Thy testimonies are wonderfull: therefore doeth my soule keepe them. 130 The entrance into thy wordes sheweth light, and giueth vnderstanding to the simple. 131 I opened my mouth and panted, because I loued thy commandements. 132 Looke vpon mee and bee mercifull vnto me, as thou vsest to doe vnto those that loue thy Name. 133 Direct my steppes in thy worde, and let none iniquitie haue dominion ouer me. 134 Deliuer mee from the oppression of men, and I will keepe thy precepts. 135 Shew the light of thy countenance vpon thy seruant, and teache me thy statutes. 136 Mine eyes gush out with riuers of water, because they keepe not thy Lawe. 137 TSADDI. Righteous art thou, O Lord, and iust are thy iudgements. 138 Thou hast commanded iustice by thy testimonies and trueth especially. 139 My zeale hath euen consumed mee, because mine enemies haue forgotten thy wordes. 140 Thy word is prooued most pure, and thy seruant loueth it. 141 I am small and despised: yet do I not forget thy precepts. 142 Thy righteousnesse is an euerlasting righteousnes, and thy Lawe is trueth. 143 Trouble and anguish are come vpon me: yet are thy commandements my delite. 144 The righteousnes of thy testimonies is euerlasting: graunt me vnderstanding, and I shall liue. 145 KOPH. I haue cried with my whole heart: heare me, O Lord, and I will keepe thy statutes. 146 I called vpon thee: saue mee, and I will keepe thy testimonies. 147 I preuented the morning light, and cried: for I waited on thy word. 148 Mine eyes preuent the night watches to meditate in thy word. 149 Heare my voyce according to thy louing kindenesse: O Lord, quicken me according to thy iudgement. 150 They drawe neere, that follow after malice, and are farre from thy Lawe. 151 Thou art neere, O Lord: for all thy commandements are true. 152 I haue knowen long since by thy testimonies, that thou hast established them for euer. 153 RESH. Beholde mine affliction, and deliuer mee: for I haue not forgotten thy Lawe. 154 Pleade my cause, and deliuer me: quicken me according vnto thy word. 155 Saluation is farre from the wicked, because they seeke not thy statutes. 156 Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord: quicken me according to thy iudgements. 157 My persecutours and mine oppressours are many: yet doe I not swarue from thy testimonies. 158 I saw the transgressours and was grieued, because they kept not thy worde. 159 Consider, O Lord, how I loue thy preceptes: quicken mee according to thy louing kindenesse. 160 The beginning of thy worde is trueth, and all the iudgements of thy righteousnesse endure for euer. 161 SCHIN. Princes haue persecuted mee without cause, but mine heart stood in awe of thy wordes. 162 I reioyce at thy worde, as one that findeth a great spoyle. 163 I hate falshoode and abhorre it, but thy Lawe doe I loue. 164 Seuen times a day doe I praise thee, because of thy righteous iudgements. 165 They that loue thy Law, shall haue great prosperitie, and they shall haue none hurt. 166 Lord, I haue trusted in thy saluation, and haue done thy commandements. 167 My soule hath kept thy testimonies: for I loue them exceedingly. 168 I haue kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: for all my wayes are before thee. 169 TAV. Let my complaint come before thee, O Lord, and giue me vnderstanding, according vnto thy worde. 170 Let my supplication come before thee, and deliuer me according to thy promise. 171 My lippes shall speake praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes. 172 My tongue shall intreate of thy word: for all thy commandements are righteous. 173 Let thine hand helpe me: for I haue chosen thy precepts. 174 I haue longed for thy saluation, O Lord, and thy Lawe is my delite. 175 Let my soule liue, and it shall praise thee, and thy iudgements shall helpe me. 176 I haue gone astraye like a lost sheepe: seeke thy seruant, for I doe not forget thy commandements.