Matthew 27:40-45

Geneva(i) 40 And saying, Thou that destroyest ye Temple, and buildest it in three dayes, saue thy selfe: if thou be ye Sonne of God, come downe from ye crosse. 41 Likewise also the hie Priests mocking him, with the Scribes, and Elders, and Pharises, said, 42 He saued others, but he cannot saue him selfe: if he be ye King of Israel, let him now come downe from ye crosse, and we will beleeue in him. 43 He trusted in God, let him deliuer him nowe, if he will haue him: for he saide, I am the Sonne of God. 44 The selfe same thing also ye theeues which were crucified with him, cast in his teeth. 45 Now from ye sixt houre was there darkenesse ouer all the land, vnto the ninth houre.