Mark 14:10-21

Geneva(i) 10 Then Iudas Iscariot, one of the twelue, went away vnto the hie Priestes, to betray him vnto them. 11 And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised that they woulde giue him monie: therefore he sought howe he might conueniently betraie him. 12 Nowe the first day of vnleauened bread, when they sacrificed the Passeouer, his disciples sayde vnto him, Where wilt thou that we goe and prepare, that thou mayest eate the Passeouer? 13 Then hee sent foorth two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them, Goe yee into the citie, and there shall a man meete you bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. 14 And whithersoeuer he goeth in, say yee to the good man of the house, The Master sayeth, Where is the lodging where I shall eate the Passeouer with my disciples? 15 And he wil shewe you an vpper chamber which is large, trimmed and prepared: there make it readie for vs. 16 So his disciples went foorth, and came to the citie, and found as he had said vnto them, and made readie the Passeouer. 17 And at euen he came with the twelue. 18 And as they sate at table and did eate, Iesus said, Verely I say vnto you, that one of you shall betray me, which eateth with me. 19 Then they began to be sorowful and to say to him one by one, Is it I? And another, Is it I? 20 And he answered and sayde vnto them, It is one of the twelue that dippeth with mee in the platter. 21 Truely the Sonne of man goeth his way, as it is written of him: but woe bee to that man, by whome the Sonne of man is betrayed: it had beene good for that man, if hee had neuer beene borne.