Isaiah 14:4-23

Geneva(i) 4 Then shalt thou take vp this prouerbe against the King of Babel, and say, Howe hath the oppressor ceased? and the gold thirsty Babel rested? 5 The Lord hath broken the rodde of the wicked, and the scepter of the rulers: 6 Which smote the people in anger with a continuall plague, and ruled the nations in wrath: if any were persecuted, he did not let. 7 The whole worlde is at rest and is quiet: they sing for ioye. 8 Also the firre trees reioyced of thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid downe, no hewer came vp against vs. 9 Hel beneath is mooued for thee to meete thee at thy comming, raising vp the deade for thee, euen all the princes of the earth, and hath raised from their thrones all the Kinges of the nations. 10 All they shall crie, and saie vnto thee, Art thou become weake also as we? art thou become like vnto vs? 11 Thy pompe is brought downe to ye graue, and the sounde of thy violes: the worme is spred vnder thee, and the wormes couer thee. 12 How art thou fallen from heauen, O Lucifer, sonne of the morning? and cutte downe to the grounde, which didest cast lottes vpon the nations? 13 Yet thou saidest in thine heart, I will ascende into heauen, and exalt my throne aboue beside the starres of God: I will sitte also vpon the mount of the Congregation in the sides of the North. 14 I wil ascend aboue ye height of the cloudes, and I will be like the most high. 15 But thou shalt bee brought downe to the graue, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee, shall looke vpon thee and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, and that did shake the kingdomes? 17 He made the worlde as a wildernesse, and destroied the cities thereof, and opened not the house of his prisoners. 18 All the Kings of the nations, euen they all sleepe in glorie, euery one in his owne house. 19 But thou art cast out of thy graue like an abominable branch: like the raiment of those that are slaine, and thrust thorowe with a sword, which goe downe to the stones of the pit, as a carkeise troden vnder feete. 20 Thou shalt not be ioyned with them in the graue, because thou hast destroied thine owne lande, and slaine thy people: the seede of the wicked shall not be renoumed for euer. 21 Prepare a slaughter for his children, for the iniquitie of their fathers: let them not rise vp nor possesse the land, nor fil the face of the world with enemies. 22 For I wil rise vp against them (sayth the Lord of hostes) and will cut off from Babel the name and the remnant and the sonne, and the nephew, sayth the Lord: 23 And I wil make it a possession to ye hedgehogge, and pooles of water, and I will sweepe it with the besome of destruction, sayeth the Lord of hostes.