1 Maccabees 5

Geneva(i) 1 Nowe when the nations rounde about heard, that the altar was buylded, and the Sanctuarie renued, as afore, they were sore grieued. 2 Therefore they thought to destroy the generation of Iacob that was among them, and began to slay and destroy the people. 3 Then Iudas fought against the children of Esau in Idumea at Arrabathene, because they besieged the Israelites, & he smote them with a great plague, and droue them to straites, and tooke their spoyles. 4 He thought also vpon the malice of the children of Bean, which had bene a snare and an hinderance vnto the people, when they laye in wayte for them in the hie way. 5 Wherefore he shut them vp in towers, and besieged them, and destroyed them vtterly, and burnt their towers with fire, with all that were in them. 6 Afterwarde, went he against the children of Ammon, where he founde a mightie power, and a great multitude with Timotheus their captaine. 7 So he had many battels with them, but they were destroyed before him, and so he discomfited them, 8 And tooke Gazer with the townes thereof, and so turned againe into Iudea. 9 Then the heathen that were in Galaad, gathered them together against the Israelites that were in their quarters, to slay them: but they fled to the castle of Datheman, 10 And sent letters to Iudas, & to his brethren, saying, The heathen that are about vs, are gathered against vs, to destroy vs, 11 And they make them ready for to come, and to take the fortresse, whereunto we are fledde, and Timotheus is captaine of their hoste. 12 Come now therefore, and deliuer vs out of their handes: for many of vs are slaine: 13 And all our brethren that were at Tubin, are slaine, and they haue taken away their wiues, and their children, and their goods, and destroyed there almost a thousand men. 14 While these letters were yet a reading, beholde, there came other messengers from Galile with their clothes rent, which tolde ye same tidings, 15 And said, that they of Ptolemais, & of Tyrus, and of Sidon, and of all Galile of the Gentiles were gathered against them to destroy them. 16 When Iudas, and the people heard these wordes, a great congregation came together, to consulte what they might doe for their brethren, that were in trouble, and whom they besieged. 17 Then said Iudas to Simon his brother, Chuse thee out men, and goe and deliuer thy brethren in Galile, and I and my brother Ionathan, wil goe into the countrey of Galaad. 18 So he left Iosephus the sonne of Zacharias, and Azarias to be captaines of the people, and to keepe the remnant of the hoste in Iudea, 19 And commanded them, saying, Take the ouersight of this people, and make no warre against the heathen, vntill we come againe. 20 And vnto Simon were giuen three thousand men to goe into Galile, and to Iudas eight thousand men for the countrey of Galaad. 21 Then went Simon into Galile, aad gaue diuers battels to the heathen, and the heathen were discomfited by him. 22 And he pursued them vnto the gates of Ptolemais: & there were slaine of the heathen almost three thousand men: so he tooke their spoyles. 23 Thus they reseued them that were in Galile and in Arbattis with their wiues, and their children, and all that they had, and brought them into Iudea with great ioy. 24 Iudas Maccabeus also, and his brother Ionathan went ouer Iorden, and trauailed three dayes iourney in the wildernes, 25 Where they mette with the Nabathites, who receiued them louingly, and tolde them euery thing that was done vnto their brethren in the countrey of Galaad, 26 And how that many of them were besieged in Bosorra, and Bosor, in Alemis, Chasbon, Maged and Carnaim (all these cities are strong, and great) 27 And that they were kept in other cities of Galaad, and to morow they are appointed to bring their hoste vnto these fortes, and to take them, and to destroy them all in one day. 28 So Iudas and his host turned in all haste by the way of the wildernesse towarde Bosorra, and wanne the citie, and slewe all the males with the edge of the sword, and tooke all their spoyle, and set fire vpon the citie. 29 And in the night he remooued from thence, and went toward the fortresse. 30 And betimes in the morning when they looked vp, beholde, there was an innumerable people bearing ladders, and instruments of warre, to take the forte, and had assaulted them. 31 When Iudas sawe that the battel was begun, & that the cry of the citie went vp to heauen with trumpets, and a great sound, 32 Then he said vnto the armie, Fight this day for your brethren. 33 So he went foorth behinde them with three companies, and they blewe the trumpets, and cryed with prayer. 34 Then the host of Timotheus knew, that it was Maccabeus, and they fled from him, and hee smote them with a great slaughter, so that there was killed of them the same day, almost eight thousand men. 35 Then departed Iudas vnto Maspha, & laid siege vnto it, and wanne it, and slewe all the males thereof, and spoyled it, and set fire vpon it. 36 From thence went he and tooke Chasbon, Maged, and Bosor, and the other cities in Galaad. 37 After these things gathered Timotheus another hoste, and he camped before Raphon beyond the flood. 38 Now Iudas had sent to espie the host, and they brought him word againe, saying, All the heathen that bee rounde about vs, are gathered vnto him, and the host is very great, 39 And hee hath hired the Arabians to helpe them, and they haue pitched their tents beyond the flood, and are ready to come and fight against thee. So Iudas went to meete them. 40 Then Timotheus said vnto the captaines of his host, When Iudas and his host come neere the flood, if he passe ouer first vnto vs, we shal not be able to withstand him: for he wil be too strog for vs. 41 But if he be afraide, and campe beyond the flood, we wil goe ouer vnto him, and shall preuaile against him. 42 Now when Iudas came neere to ye flood, hee caused the gouernours of ye people to remayne by the flood, & commanded them, saying, Suffer none to pitch a tent, but let euery man come to ye battel. 43 So he went first ouer toward them, & all the people after him: & all the heathen were discofited before him, and cast away their weapons, and fled into the Temple that was at Carnaim. 44 Which citie Iudas wanne, and burnt the temple with all that were in it: so was Carnaim subdued, and might not withstand Iudas. 45 Then Iudas gathered all the Israelites that were in the countrey of Galaad, from the least vnto the most, with their wiues and their children, and their baggage, a very great hoste, to come into the land of Iuda. 46 So they came vnto Ephron, which was a great citie by the way, and strongly defensed: they coulde not passe, neither at the right hande nor at the left, but must goe thorow it. 47 But they that were in the citie, shutte themselues in, & stopped vp the gates with stones: & Iudas sent vnto them with peaceable wordes, saying, 48 Let vs passe thorowe your land, that we may goe into our owne countrey, and none shall hurt you: we will but onely goe thorowe on foote: but they would not open vnto him. 49 Wherefore Iudas commaunded a proclamation to bee made throughout the hoste, that euery man should assault it according to his standing. 50 So the valiant men set vpon it, and assaulted the citie all that day, and all that night, and the citie was giuen ouer into his handes: 51 Who slew all the males with the edge of the sworde, and destroyed it, and tooke the spoile thereof, and went thorowe the citie ouer them that were slaine. 52 Then went they ouer Iorden into the great plaine before Bethsan. 53 And Iudas gathered together those that were behinde, & gaue the people good exhortation all the way thorow, til they were come into ye land of Iuda. 54 Thus they went vp with ioye, and gladnesse vnto mount Sion, where they offred burnt offrings, because there were none of them slaine, but came home againe in safetie. 55 Nowe whilest Iudas and Ionathan were in the land of Galaad, and Simon their brother in Galile before Ptolemais, 56 Ioseph the sonne of Zacharias, and Azarias the captaines, hearing of the valiant actes, and battels which they had atchieued, said, 57 Let vs get vs a name also, and go fight against the heathen that are round about vs. 58 So they gaue their hoste a commaundement and went toward Iamnia. 59 But Gorgias and his men came out of the citie to fight against them. 60 And Ioseph and Azarias were put to flight, and pursued vnto the borders of Iudea: and there were slaine that day of the people of Israel about two thousand men: so that there was a great ouerthrow among the people of Israel, 61 Because they were not obedient vnto Iudas, and his brethren, but thought to doe some valiant thing. 62 Also they came not of ye stocke of these men, by whose handes deliuerance was giuen to Israel. 63 But the man Iudas, & his brethre were greatly commended in the sight of all Israel, & of all the heathen, wheresoeuer their name was heard of. 64 And the people came vnto them, bidding them welcome. 65 Afterwarde went Iudas foorth with his brethren, and fought against the children of Esau in the land towarde the South, where hee wanne Hebron, & the townes thereof, and he destroyed the castel thereof, and burnt the towers thereof round about. 66 Then remooued hee to goe into the lande of the strangers, and went thorowe Samaria. 67 At the same time were the Priests of the cities slaine in the battel, which would shewe their valiantnes, and went forth to battel without counsell: and when Iudas came to Azotus in the strangers lande, he brake down their altars, and burnt with fire the images of their gods, and tooke away the spoyles of the cities, and came againe into the lande of Iuda.