1 Chronicles 22:11-16

Geneva(i) 11 Nowe therefore my sonne, the Lord shalbe with thee, and thou shalt prosper, and thou shalt builde an house to the Lord thy God, as he hath spoken of thee. 12 Onely the Lord giue thee wisedome and vnderstanding, and giue thee charge ouer Israel, euen to keepe the Lawe of the Lord thy God. 13 Then thou shalt prosper, if thou take heede to obserue the statutes and the iudgements which the Lord commanded Moses for Israel: be strong and of good courage: feare not, neither bee afraide. 14 For beholde, according to my pouertie haue I prepared for the house of the Lord an hundreth thousand talents of golde, and a thousand thousande talents of siluer, and of brasse and of yron passing weight: for there was abundance: I haue also prepared timber and stone, and thou mayest prouide more thereto. 15 Moreouer thou hast workmen with thee enough, hewers of stone, and workemen for timber, and all men expert in euery worke. 16 Of golde, of siluer, and of brasse, and of yron there is no nomber: Vp therefore, and be doing, and the Lord wilbe with thee.