Acts 1:16-26

Etheridge(i) 16 Men, brethren, it was right for that scripture to be fulfilled which the Spirit of Holiness had before spoken, by the mouth of David, concerning Jihuda, who was the leader of them who took Jeshu. 17 For he had numbered with us, and had part in this ministry. 18 This is he who obtained the field with the wages of sin, and fell upon his face on the ground, and was severed in his middle, and all his bowels were shed forth. 19 And this hath been known of all who dwell in Urishlem; and so is called that field in the language of the country Hakel-damo, the interpretation of which is, A field of blood. 20 For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let his habitation be desert, and no inhabitant be therein, and his ministry let another take. 21 There needeth therefore one from these men who have been with us in all this time in which our Lord Jeshu hath come in and gone out among us, 22 which went forth from the baptism of Juhanon until the day that he was taken up from (being) with us, to be with us a witness of his resurrection. 23 And they set up two: Jauseph, who is called Barshaba, who is surnamed Justus, and Mathia. 24 And praying, they said, Thou, Lord, (who) knowest the hearts of all, show the one whom thou choosest of these two, 25 that he may receive the part in the ministry and the apostleship from which Jihuda separated, to go unto his place. 26 And they cast the lots, and it came up unto Mathia; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.