Proverbs 29

ECB(i) 1 A man of reproofs, with hardened neck, breaks in a blink - and there is no healing. 2 When the just abound, the people cheer; and when the wicked reign, the people sigh. 3 The man who loves wisdom cheers his father; and he who befriends whores, destroys his wealth. 4 The sovereign by judgment stands the land; and the man who receives exaltments demolishes it. 5 A mighty who smoothes over his friend spreads a net for his steps. 6 In the rebellion of an evil man, there is a snare; and the just shout and cheer. 7 The just know the plea of the poor; and the wicked discern to not know it. 8 Scornful men puff on a city; and the wise turn away wrath. 9 A wise man judges a foolish man; he quivers; he ridicules; there is no rest. 10 The men of blood hate the integrious; and the straight seek his soul. 11 A fool utters all his spirit; and the wise lauds afterward. 12 A sovereign who hearkens to false words - all his ministers are wicked. 13 The impoverished and the man of frauds meet together; Yah Veh lights both their eyes. 14 The sovereign who judges the poor in truth, establishes his throne eternally. 15 The scion and reproof give wisdom; and a lad sent away shames his mother. 16 When the wicked abound, rebellions abound; and the just see their ruin. 17 Discipline your son and he gives you rest; yes, he gives delicately to your soul. 18 Where there is no vision, the people are exposed; and he who guards the torah, blithe is he. 19 Discipline not a servant by words; for though he discerns, he answers not. 20 See a man hasty in words? There is more hope of a fool than of him. 21 Whoever pampers his servant since ladhood has him become successor at the finality. 22 A man of wrath throttles strife and a master of fury abounds in rebellion. 23 The pomp of humanity abases; and honor upholds the abased in spirit. 24 Whoever allots with a thief, hates his own soul; he hears oaths and tells it not. 25 The trembling of humanity gives a snare; and whoever confides in Yah Veh is lofted. 26 Many seek the face of the sovereign; and the judgment of man is from Yah Veh. 27 A man of wickedness is an abhorrence to the just; and the straight in the way is an abhorrence to the wicked.