Matthew 20

ECB(i) 1
For the sovereigndom of the heavens is likened to a human - a housedespotes who goes simultaneously early in the morning to hire workers into his vineyard: 2 and he symphonizes with the workers for a denarion a day; and apostolizes them to his vineyard. 3 And about the third hour he goes and sees others standing idle in the market 4 and says to them, You also go to the vineyard, and I give you whatever is just. - and they go their way. 5 Again about the sixth and ninth hour he goes and does likewise. 6 And about the eleventh hour he goes and finds others standing idle, and words to them, Why stand you here idle all the day? 7 They word to him, Because no one hires us. He words to them, You also go into the vineyard; and whatever is just, you take. 8 And being evening; the adoni of the vineyard words to his manager, Call the workers, and give them their hire, beginning from the final to the first. 9 And those hired about the eleventh hour, come; and they each take a denarion. 10 And the first come; and they presume to take much more; and they likewise each take a denarion. 11 And they take it, and murmur against the housedespotes, 12 wording, These final produced but one hour: and you make them equal to us who bore the burden and heat of the day. 13 And he answers one of them, saying, Comrade, I injure you not. Symphonized you not with me indeed for a denarion? 14 Take what is yours and go your way: I give to this final, even as to you. 15 Am I not allowed to do what I will with my own? Is your eye evil because I am good? 16 Thus the final become first, and the first final: for many be called but few selected. 17
And Yah Shua ascends to Yeru Shalem and takes the twelve disciples privately in the way and says to them, 18 Behold, we ascend to Yeru Shalem for the betrayal of the Son of humanity to the archpriests and to the scribes to condemn him to death 19 - to betray him to the goyim to mock and to scourge and to stake: and the third day he rises. 20
Then the mother of the sons of Zabdi comes to him with her sons, worshipping him and asking somewhat of him. 21 And he says to her, What will you? She words to him, Say that these my two sons sit, the one at your right and the one at the left in your sovereigndom. 22 But Yah Shua answers, saying, You know not what you ask: Are you able to drink of the cup I am about to drink? And baptized with the baptism I am about to be baptized? They word to him, We are able. 23 And he words to them, You indeed drink of my cup, and baptize with the baptism I am about to be baptized: but to sit at my right and at my left is not mine to give: but it is given to them for whom it is prepared by my Father. 24
And the ten hear it, and are indignified concerning the two brothers. 25 And Yah Shua calls them to him, and says, You know that the archs of the goyim rule over them; and they who are mega authorize over them. 26 But so be it not among you: but whoever wills to be mega among you, becomes your minister; 27 and whoever wills to be first among you, becomes your servant. 28 Exactly as the Son of humanity comes not to be ministered unto, but to minister: and to give his soul a redemption for many. 29
And as they proceed from Yericho a vast multitude follows him: 30 and behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, hear that Yah Shua passes by, and they cry out, wording, Mercy us, O Adonay, you son of David. 31 - and the multitude rebukes them to hush. But they cry out the more, wording, Mercy us, O Adonay, you son of David. 32 And Yah Shua stands still and voices out to them, saying, What will you that I do to you? 33 They word to him, Adonay, that our eyes be opened. 34 So Yah Shua has a sympathetic spleen on them and touches their eyes: and straightway their eyes see and they follow him.