Revelation 16:17-21

Coverdale(i) 17 And the seuenth angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a greate voyce out of heauen from the seate, sayenge: It is done. 18 And there folowed voyces, thondringes, and lightnynges, and there was a gret earthquake, soch as was not sence me were vpon the earth, so myghty an earthquake and so greate. 19 And the greate cite was deuyded in to thre parties. And the cities of nacions fell. And greate Babilon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath. 20 And euery yle fled awaye, and the mountaynes were not founde. 21 And there fell a greate hayle, as it had bene talentes, out of heaue vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the hayle, for it was greate, and the plage of it sore.