Nehemiah 12:25-33

Coverdale(i) 25 Mathania, Bacbuchia, Obadia, Mesullam, Talmon and Acub were porters in the watch at the thresholdes of the gates. 26 These were in the tyme of Ioiachim the sonne of Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and in the tyme of Nehemias the Debyte, and of the prest E?dras the scrybe. 27 And in the dedicacion of the wall at Ierusalem, were the Leuites soughte out of all their places, that they mighte be broughte to Ierusalem, to kepe ye dedicacion in gladnesse, with thankesgeuynges, with synginge, with Cymbales, Psalteries and harpes. 28 And the children of the syngers gathered the selues together from the playne countre aboute Ierusalem, and from the vyllages of Nethophathi, 29 and from the house of Gilgal, & out of the feldes of Gibea & Asmaueth: for ye syngers had buylded them vyllages aboute Ierusalem. 30 And ye prestes and Leuites purified them selues, and clensed the people, the gates and the wall. 31 And I caused the prynces to go vp vpon the wall, and appoynted two greate queres of thankesgeuynge, which wete on the righte hande of the wall towarde the Donggate, 32 and after them wete Hosaia, and halfe of the prynces of Iuda, 33 & Asaria, E?dras, Mesullam,