Micah 4:1-5

Coverdale(i) 1 But in the latter dayes it wil come to passe, that the hill off the LORDES house shalbe set vp hyer the eny moutaynes or hilles: Yee the people shall preese vnto it, 2 and the multitude off the Gentiles shal haist them thither, sayege: Come, let vs go vp to the hill of the LORDE, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye teach vs his waye, and that we maye walke in his pathes. For the lawe shall come out off Sion, ad the worde of God from Ierusalem, 3 and shall geue sentence amonge the multitude off the Heithen, and refourme the people off farre coutrees: so that of their swerdes they shal make plowshares, and sythes off their speares. One people shall not lift vp a swerde agaynst another, yee they shall nomore lerne to fight: 4 but euery man shal syt vnder his vinyarde and vnder his fyge tre, and no man to fraye him awaye: for the mouth off ye LORDE of hoostes hath spoken it. 5 Therfore, where as all people haue walked euery man in ye name of his owne god, we will walke in the name of oure God for euer and euer.