Matthew 23:2-6

Coverdale(i) 2 and sayde: The scrybes & Pharises are set downe vpon Moses seate. 3 Therfore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue, that obserue and do, but after their workes shal ye not do, 4 for they saye & do not. For they bynde heuy and intollerable burthens, and laye them vpon mens shulders: But they them selues wil not heaue at them with one of their fyngers. 5 All their workes do they to be sene of men. They set abrode their Philateries, and make large borders vpon their garmentes, 6 and loue to syt vppermost at the table, and to haue the chefe seates in the synagoges,