Mark 9:17-22

Coverdale(i) 17 And one of the people answered, and sayde: Master, I haue brought vnto the my sonne, which hath a domme sprete: 18 and whan so euer he taketh him, he teareth him, and he fometh, and gnassheth with the teth, and pyneth awaye, & I haue spoken to thy disciples that they shulde cast him out, and they coude not. 19 He answered him, and sayde: O thou vnfaithfull generacion, how longe shal I be with you? How longe shal I suffre you? Brynge hi hither to me. 20 And they brought him vnto him. And as soone as the sprete sawe him, he tare him, and fell vpon the earth, and weltred and fomed. 21 And he axed his father: How longe is it, sens this happened vnto him? He sayde: Of a childe, 22 and oft tymes hath he cast him in to the fyre and water, to destroye him: but yf thou canst do enythinge, haue mercy vpon vs, and helpe vs.