Luke 12:37-43

Coverdale(i) 37 Blessed are those seruauntes, whom the LORDE (whan he cometh) shal fynde wakynge. Verely I saye vnto you: He shal gyrde vp him self, and make them syt downe at the table, and shal go by them, and mynister vnto them. 38 And yf he come in the seconde watch, and in the thirde watch, and fynde them so, blessed are those seruauntes. 39 But be sure of this, that yf the good man of the house knewe, what houre the thefe wolde come, he wolde surely watch, and not suffre his house to be broken vp. 40 Therfore be ye ready also, for at an houre whan ye thynke not, shal the sonne of man come. 41 But Peter sayde vnto him: LORDE, tellest thou this symilitude vnto vs, or to all men also? 42 The LORDE sayde: How greate a thinge is a faithfull and wyse stewarde, whom his lorde setteth ouer his houssholde, to geue the their dewtye in due season? 43 Blessed is that seruaunt, whom his lorde (whan he cometh) shal fynde so doynge.