Leviticus 25:10-18

Coverdale(i) 10 And ye shal halowe the fiftieth yeare, and shall call it a fre yeare in ye londe, for all them that dwell therin: for it is the yeare of Iubilye. Then shall euery one amonge you come agayne to his possession and to his kynred: 11 for the fiftieth yeare is ye yeare of Iubilye. Ye shal not sowe ner reape it that groweth of it self, ner gather the grapes, that growe without laboure. 12 For the yeare of Iubilye shall be holy amonge you. But loke what the felde beareth, that shall ye eate. 13 This is the yeare of Iubilye, wherin ye shal come againe euery man to his owne. 14 Now whan thou sellest ought vnto thy neghboure, or byest eny thinge of him, there shal none of you oppresse his brother: 15 but acordinge to the nombre of the yeare of Iubilye shalt thou bye it of him: and acordinge to the nombre of the yeares of increase shall he sell it vnto the. 16 Acordinge to the multitude of the yeares shalt thou rayse the pryce, & and acordynge to the fewnesse of the yeares shalt thou mynish the pryce: for he shall sell it vnto the acordinge to the nombre of the increase. 17 Therfore let no man defraude his neghboure, but feare yi God. For I am the LORDE youre God. 18 Wherfore do after my statutes, and kepe my lawes, so yt ye do them that ye maye dwell safe in the londe.