Jude 1:5-7

Coverdale(i) 5 My minde is therfore to put you in remebrauce, for as moche as ye once knowe this, how that ye LORDE (after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt) destroyed them which afterwarde beleued not. 6 The angels also which kept not their first estate: but lefte their awne habitacion, he hath reserued in euerlastinge chaynes vnder darcknes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye: 7 euen as Sodom and Gomor, and the cities aboute them (which in lyke maner defiled them selues with fornicacion and folowed straunge flesshe) are set forth for an ensample, and suffre the vengeaunce of eternall fyre.