Jeremiah 51:35-58

Coverdale(i) 35 he hath take my substaunce awaye, & the thinge that was left me hath he caried vnto Babilon, saieth the doughter, that dwelleth in Sion: Yee & my bloude also, vnto the Caldees, saieth Ierusalem. 36 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE: Beholde, I wil defende thy cause, & avenge the: I will drynke vp hir see, & drye vp hir water sprynges. 37 Babilon shal become an heape of stones, a dwellinge place for dragons, a fearfulnes & wondringe, because no man dwelleth there. 38 They shall roare together like lyons, & as the yonge lyons when they be angrie, so shal they bede them selues. 39 In their heate I shal set drynke before the, & they shalbe droncken for ioye: Then shal they slepe an euerlastinge slepe, & neuer wake, saieth the LORDE. 40 I shal carie them downe to be slayne like shepe, like wethers & gootes. 41 O, how was Sesah wonne? O, how was the glory of ye whole londe taken? how happeneth it, that Babilon is so wondred at amonge the Heithe? 42 The see is rysen ouer Babilon, & hath couered her with his greate wawes. 43 Hir cities are layed waist, the londe lieth vnbuylded and voyde: it is a londe, where no man dwelleth, & where no ma traueleth thorow. 44 Morouer, I wil vyset Bel at Babilo: & the thinge that he hath swalowed vp, that same shal I plucke out of his mouth. The Gentiles also shall runne nomore vnto him, yee and the walles of Babilon shal fall. 45 O my people, come out of Babilon, that euery man maye saue his life, from the fearfull wrath of the LORDE. 46 Be not faynte herted, & feare not at euery rumoure that shalbe herde in the londe: for euery yeare bringeth new tydinges, yee straunge wickednes and lordshipe. 47 And lo, the tyme commeth that I wil vyset the ymages of Babilo, and the whole londe shalbe confounded, yee and hir slayne shal lie in the myddest of her. 48 Heauen and earth with all that is therin, shall reioyce ouer Babilon, when the destroyers shal come vpon her from the north, saieth ye LORDE. 49 Like as Babilo hath beaten downe and slayne many out of Israel, so shal there fall many, and be slayne in all hir kyngdome. 50 Ye that haue escaped the swearde, haist you, stode not still, remembre the LORDE afarre of: and thinke vpon Ierusalem, 51 for we were ashamed to heare the blasphemies: oure faces were couered with shame, because the straunge aleauntes came in to the Sanctuary of the LORDE. 52 Wherfore beholde (saieth the LORDE) the tyme commeth, that I wil vyset the ymages of Babilon, and thorow the whole lode they shal mourne and fall. 53 Though Babilon clymmed vp in to heaue, and kepte her power an hie: yet shal I sende her destroyers saieth the LORDE. 54 A piteous crie shall be herde from Babilon, and a greate mysery from the londe of the Caldees: 55 when the LORDE destroyeth them, and when he dryueth out the hie stomack & proude boostinge, where with they haue bene as furious, as the wawes of greate water floudes, and made greate crakes with their wordes 56 For the destroyers shall come vpon her (euen vpon Babilon) which shal take hir worthies, and brake their bowes: for God is disposed to avenge him self vpon them, & sufficiently to recompence the. 57 Yee (saieth the LORDE) I will make their prynces, their wyse men, their chefe rulers & all their worthies, droncke: so that they shal slepe an euerlastinge slepe, and neuer wake: Thus saieth the kinge, whose name is ye LORDE of hoostes. 58 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: The thicke wall of Babilon shalbe broken, and hir proude gates shalbe brente vp. And the thinge that the Getiles and the people haue wrought with greate trauayle and laboure, shal come to naught, and be consumed in the fyre.