Jeremiah 3:14-17

Coverdale(i) 14 O ye shrenkinge children, turne agayne, saieth the LORDE, and I wilbe maried with you. For I will take one out of the citie and two out of one generacion from amoge you, and bringe you out of Sion: 15 and will geue you hyrdme after myne owne mynde, which shal fede you with lernynge and wy?dome. 16 Morouer, when ye be increased and multiplied in the londe, then (saieth the LORDE) there shall nomore boost be made of the arke of the LORDES Testament: No man shall thinke vpon it, nether shall eny man make mencion of it: for from thence forth it shall nether be visited, ner honoured with giftes. 17 Then shall Ierusalem be called the LORDES seate, and all Heithen shalbe gathered vnto it, for the name of the LORDE sake, which shalbe set vp at Ierusalem. And from that tyme forth, they shall folowe nomore the ymaginacion of their owne frauwerde herte.