Isaiah 64:1-4

Coverdale(i) 1 O that thou woldest cleue the heauen in sonder, & come downe: that the mountaynes might melt awaye at thy presence, 2 like as at an hote fyre: and that the malicious might boyle, as the water doth vpon the fyre: Wherby thy name might be knowne amoge thine enemies, & yt the Getiles might treble before ye. 3 That thou mightest come downe with thy wonderous straunge workes, then shulde the hilles melt at thy presence. 4 For sence the begynnynge of the worlde there was none (excepte thou o God) that herde or perceaued, nether hath eny eye sene what thou dost for the, that put their trust in the.