Hosea 4:1-5

Coverdale(i) 1 Heare ye worde of the LORDE, o ye children of Israel: For the LORDE must punysh the, yt dwel in the londe. And why? There is no faithfulnesse, there is no mercy, there is no knowlege of God in the lode: 2 but swearinge, lyege, maslaughter, theft and aduoutry haue gotten the ouerhande, & one bloudgiltynesse foloweth another. 3 Therfore shal the londe be in a miserable case, and all they that dwell therin, shal mourne. The beastes in the felde, the foules in ye ayre, and the fishes in the see shall dye. 4 Yet is there none, that wil chaste nor reproue another. The prestes which shulde refourme other me, are become like the people. 5 Therfore stomblest thou in ye daye tyme &, the prophet with the in the night. I wil bringe thy mother to sylence, & why?